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when viewed from Foothill Road or areas east of Foothill RoatL <br /> <br /> K. _~. Access/Frontage Improvements. Use of individual driveways intersecting <br />directly onto Foothill Road should be prohibited; combined, common-access driveways <br />serving more than one lot shall be encouraged. Use of frontage roads should be <br />encouraged where topography, grading and similar considerations make such roadways <br />feasible. <br /> L. ~.. Existing Landscaping. MaOa~ra-Native trees, within the district shall be <br />retained to the maximum extent feasible. In order to soften the effect of new <br />development within the corridor, wa~herc feasible, mature oak and other native species <br />should be relocated within the development in a manner consistent with the City's <br />urban wildland interface guidelines..A ~~: <br />,_ ~A,a.._ ,~.A .;,A~, A~ .... ~ .... ~ ....· ...:o~ o~.~ ~A.~.~A. When an existing tree (6 <br />inches in diameter or greater) in an area planned for development cannot be relocated <br />or retained, the property owner shaH provide to the City an in Heu fee to remove the <br />tree. The in lieu fee for a tree to be removed shah be the value of the tree as established <br />bv an arborist on the City's list of approved arborists. The in lieu fee provided to the <br />City shall be deposited into the City's urban forest fund and shah be used for the City's <br />urban forestation prelects. If an in lieu fee is paid, the amount of new landscaping <br />requir(~d in an area planned for development shah not be reduced. <br /> M. New Landscaping. New development landscaping shall be predominately <br />native plant species. Lawn areas shah only be allowed for active recreation use and <br />shah only be allowed in rear yards. Lawn areas shah not be allowed upslope of native <br />landscaDine, unless the development plan clearlv demonstrates that irrigation for the <br />lawn shall drain · · <br /> awav from the native landscaptng. <br /> <br />~ ~.:a.a~ ~. .... ':"~ ~ .... :-~ Where feasible, theplanting of new trees shah occur <br />prior tO new development construction. New development trees shall be a minimum of <br />15 gallons in sige and24 and36 inch box trees shah be encouraged. AH new <br />landscaDine shah be consistent with the Cit~ ~s urban wildland interface guidelines. In <br />high fire hazard areas, as determined by the Fire Marshall. a vegetative management <br />plan mag be required. <br /> N. Arroyo, Creek, and Stream Preservation. Existing arroyos, creeks, streams, <br />and similar waterways and the natural areas surrounding arroyos, creeks, streams, and <br />similar waterwaFs shah be preserved in their natural state. Existing arroyos, creeks, <br />streams, and similar waterways shah remain accessible to deer and other wildlife. New <br />residential lots shah be set back a minimum of lO0 feet from the top of bank of aH <br /> <br /> Page 7 <br />West Foothill Road Corridor Overlay Standards <br /> <br /> <br />