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Findines: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the <br />Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect <br />identified in the Final EIR to a less than significant level. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The impact will be avoided or reduced based on the <br />following: <br />a. Specific Plan Storm Drain Policy 2, Guideline 2.3 requires all subdivision <br />improvements, such as storm drain lines, streets, curbs and gutters, channels and <br />culverts and open spaces be designed in a comprehensive manner such that no <br />habitable buildings will be subject to flooding in a 100-yeaz storm event. <br />3. Fact B4. Development of the Prnject could conflict with implementation of <br />future Zone 7 regional flood control plans for the Arroyo de la Laguna south of the <br />Bernal Avenue bridge. <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />Measure B46. Set back development sufficiently to accommodate a flow of 27,000 efs <br />(with W SEL of 316 feet as illustrated in Figure SH) in a channel widened to the east <br />only; if Zone 7 adopts a Master Plan for regional flood control prior to the submittal of <br />the Project grading plan, adjust setback consistent with that plan. <br />Measure B4c. Coordinate any channel improvement plans undertaken by Zone 7 with <br />the development of the West Parcel, if these improvements can be timed in accordance <br />with the developers' timetable for development of the West Pazcel. <br />Findines: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, [he <br />Project which avoid or substantially lessen [he signitcant environmental effect <br />identified in the Final EIR to a less than significant level. <br />Facts in Sunoort of Findine: The impact will be avoided or reduced based on the <br />following: <br />a. The setback of residential development in the West Parcel from the easterly <br />edge of the Arroyo de la Laguna will accommodate flood control improvements to <br />allow flood flow conditions of 27,000 efs and maintain a maximum WSEL of 316 feet <br />at the Bernal bridge. Zone 7 is studying flood control options and has not yet selected <br />a master plan which would resolve the treatment of this reach of the Arroyo. <br />b. Mitigation Measure Bob is incorporated in PUD Condition ,which <br />requires a setback to allow Zone 7 to implement regional flood control improvements <br />within the Arroyo. (See also, Specific Plan Flood Control Policy 1, Guideline L1.) <br />