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This situation was obviously detrimental to the development of an effective <br />management focus among the City's management personnel, because the manage- <br />ment personnel were placed in the unacceptable position wherein they were <br />dependent for salary and fringe benefit increases upon the employees they <br />were responsible for supervising. Under this situation, the management <br />personnel tended to be employee-oriented rather than management-oriented. <br />The management compensation plan hopefully results in the development of <br />a management outlook by those employees responsible for the management of <br />the City. <br />At this time, we feel that there is continued justification and reason for <br />the establishment of separate compensation plans for the following cate- <br />gories of employees: <br />1. City Manager and City Attorney <br />2. City Manager Appointed <br />3. City Attorney Appointed <br />4. Individually Negotiated <br />5. Middle Management <br />6. Confidential Employees <br />Review of 1975-76 <br />The City Council will recall that they authorized an average of 10% increase <br />plus management fringe benefits for last year. As a practical matter com- <br />pensation was given which amounted to 9.64% plus management fringe benefits.. <br />Last year the City Council also authorized the City Manager [o attempt to <br />redur_e the vacation liability by paying up to five (5) days accumulated <br />vacation to be paid at the end of the Calendar Year provided the current <br />year's vacation accumulation had been used and provided that the total <br />amount of accumulated vacation was in excess of twenty (20) days. In this <br />regard, we feel that the program has been successful and resulted in the <br />reduction of vacation liability from $45,000.00 last year to only $8,000.00 <br />this year. <br />The City Council also instructed the City Manager to clarify by administra- <br />tive directive, the use of vehicles, the payment for holidays, uniform allow- <br />ances, and overtime for management personnel. This has been done which has <br />resulted in the virtual elimination of premium pay f.or management positions <br />and a substantial savings to the City. <br />In reviewing salary surveys for management personnel this year I have pro- <br />vided the City Council with salaries of other management personnel in <br />similarly situated jurisdictions around the area. Generally speaking, it <br />would appear that management personnel are about 10% to 20% behind the <br />average. Coupling this with the fact that the rank and file are at or <br />above the average and that premium pay has been eliminated for management <br />personnel, the total compensation for many non-management positions exceeds <br />that f.or management personnel.. A review of the 1975 W-2 forms has verified <br />this fact. <br />4. <br />