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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT I~F--~OLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED: <br /> <br />That the applicaUon of the CiD' of Pleasamon referenced as Happy Valley Annexation No. 144. <br />proposing the m~n-*xaUon of 811_- acres is hereby approved subjec', to the following terms and <br />conditions: <br /> <br />Correction of the Final Maps and Description as may :~e required by the Cotmr,.' <br />Surveyor. <br /> <br />Exclusion of parcels no. 949-0011-004-12 (Mirancia} and 9a9-0011-005-00 (Schaffcr). <br /> <br />That the City of Pleasanton is hereby designated as the Conducting Authority pursuant to <br />Government Code section 57000 et seq. and the City is hereby authorizeq to proceed with the <br />publication of all legal notices and conduct of public heanngs as required by statute: <br /> <br />That a Resolution entitled "Findings and Explanation of the Alameda Coann.' Local Agency <br />Formation Commission Pursuant to CEQA Regardina the Proposed Cit>' of Pleasanton Happy <br />Valley Annexation" pursuant to CEQA and CEQA Gulaetines has been adopted and is incorporated <br />herera by reference: <br /> <br />That the L:MzCo Executive Officer was authorized and directed to file a Notice of Determination <br />pursuant to the California Code of Regulations section 15096 with respect To the environmental <br />findings adopted hereby and change of organization proposed hereby. <br /> <br />This Resolution was approved and adopted by the Alameda County Local Aoencv Formation Comrmssion <br />at a regular meeting held on .March 1 I. 1999 at 7051 Dublin Bouievard. Duglin.'Califomia on the motion <br />made by Comrmssioner . seconded by Commissioner . and duly carned. <br /> <br />Ayes: <br /> <br />Noes: <br /> <br />Absent: <br /> <br />Dou~ Moresson. Chaimerson <br />Alameda Count>' Local Agency Formation Commission <br /> <br />Approved a,s to rm: <br />By: ~ C~~ <br /> LAFCo Legal Counsel <br /> Senior Deputy. Count>' Counsel <br /> <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br /> <br />