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(b) <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />(e) <br /> <br /> Any Significant Environmental Effects Which Cannot <br /> Be Avoided if the Proposal is Implemented: Describe <br /> any significant impact, including those which can be <br /> reduced to an insignificant level but not eliminated. <br /> Where there are impacts that cannot be alleviated <br /> without imposing an alternative design, their impli- <br /> cations and the reasons why the project is being pro- <br /> posed, notwithstanding their effect, should be described. <br /> Describe significant impacts on any aesthetically <br /> valuable surroundings, or on human health. <br /> <br />Mitigation Measures Proposed to Minimize the Signifi- <br />cant Effects. Describe significant, avoidable, adverse <br />impacts, including inefficient and unnecessary consump- <br />tion of energy, and measures to minimize these impacts. <br />the discussion 0f mitigation measures shall distinguish <br />between the measures which are proposed by project pro- <br />ponents to be included in the project and other measures <br />that are not included but could reasonably be expected <br />to reduce adverse impacts. This discussion shall in- <br />clude an identification of the acceptable levels to <br />which which impacts will be reduced, and the basis upon <br />which such levels were identified. Where several <br />measures are available to mitigate an impact, each <br />should be discussed and the basis for selecting a <br />particular measure should be identified. Ene'rgy con- <br />servation measures, as well as other appropriate <br />mitigation measures, shall be discussed when relevant. <br />Examples of energy conservation measures are provided <br />in Appendix~B. <br /> <br />Alternatives to the Proposed Action. Describe all <br />reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the. <br />location of the project, and why they were rejected <br />in favor of the ultimate choice. The specific alter- <br />native of "no project" must also always be evaluated, <br />along with the impact. The discussion of alternatives <br />shall include alternatives capable of substantially <br />reducing or eliminating any significant environmental <br />effects even if these alternatives substantially im- <br />pede the attainment of the project objectives and are <br />more costly. <br /> <br />The Relationship Between Local Short-Term Uses of <br />Man's Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement <br />of Long-Term Productivity: Describe the cumulative <br />and long-term effects of the proposed project which <br />adversely affect the state of the environment. In <br />particular, the desirability of the project shall be <br />weighed to guard against short-sighted foreclosure of <br />future options or needs. Speciai attention shall be <br />given to impacts which narrow the range of beneficial <br /> <br />-4O- <br /> <br /> <br />