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PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION N0. PC-87-06 <br />RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PREZONING THE <br />PANGANIBAN PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN CASE RZ-86-11 <br />WHEREAS, at their meeting of November 18, 1986, the City Council <br />approved the prezoning of eight parcels totaling 247 <br />acres located in the vicinity of Dublin Canyon Road to <br />the PUD HDR, LDR, and PH&S (High Density Residential, <br />Low Density Residential and Public Health & Safety), <br />Agriculture, and R-1-20 zoning districts. At the second <br />reading of the ordinance on December 3, Margaret Tracy <br />suggested that one of the parcels (the 63 acre <br />Panganiban parcel) may be subject to a Williamson Act <br />agricultural contract and, therefore, may require <br />Agricultural zoning. As a result, the Council adopted <br />an ordinance prezoning the remaining parcels and <br />initiated prezoning of the Panganiban parcel on December <br />16; and <br />WHEREAS, staff has determined that the Panganiban parcel is in <br />fact subject to a Williamson Act Contract although a <br />notice of non-renewal has been filed and the contract <br />will expire in nine years. Staff also has determined <br />that the most appropriate prezoning designation for a <br />parcel subject to such a contract is the "A" <br />Agricultural zoning district; and <br />WHEREAS, after reviewing all public testimony, relevant exhibits <br />and recommendations of the City staff the Planning <br />Commission agrees with the recommendations of the staff <br />concerning the zoning of the subject property; and <br />WHEREAS, the Negative Declaration for Case RZ-86-11 addressed the <br />potential environmental effects of this ordinance; thus, <br />no additional environmental review is required at this <br />time. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Recommends the City Council of the City of <br />Pleasanton prezone the Panganiban parcel to the "A" <br />Agricultural zoning district. <br />Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately <br />upon its passage and adoption. <br />- 1 - <br />