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MINUTES <br />OF THE MEETING <br />OF <br />THE PLANNING COMMISSIOIQ <br />Pleasanton, California <br />January 18, 1962 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission was <br />called to order by Vice-Chairman Philip Landon, presiding for Chairman <br />Ralph Mitchell, who was suffering with a sore throat, on January 18, <br />1962 at 8:00 P.M. <br />ROLL CALL showed the following Commissioners present: <br />Antonini <br />Landon <br />Mitchell <br />Rega <br />Ex-Officio Dana and <br />Secretary Fales. <br />Absent: <br />Commissioner Lozano <br />Ex-Officio Kamp and <br />Ex-Officio King <br />On motion of Commissioner Antonini, seconded by Commissioner Rega, <br />the minutes of the meeting of January 4, 1962 were unanimously approved <br />with one correction, namely that Commissioner Rega and Secretary Fales <br />were omitted from the Roll Call and should appear under those present. <br />Commission Tendon opened the Public Hearing on the application of <br />Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, 1+180 Jensen Street, for a Variance from Section <br />17.605, Ordinance No. 309, in order to conduct a beauty shop operation <br />in a single-family dwelling located in an R-1 District. <br />Mrs. Taylor spoke on behalf of 'the Variance, stating that it would <br />be a one-operator shop; that the driveway will take care of four cars <br />for offstreet parking; and that the business would be clean and quiet so <br />ea not to disturb the neighbors. <br />Mr. Alfred Mitchell, 4212 Jensen Street (two houses down from the <br />Taylors on the same side of the street) spoke against the Variance <br />calling attention to the limited street parking, which is close to a <br />fire hydrant, and mentioned that when customers must come to a business, <br />it causes a greater flow of traffic creating a hazard in a residential <br />