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M I N U T E S <br />of <br />THE MEETING <br />of <br />THE PLANNING COMlIISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />September 8, 1965 <br />The regularly scheduled messing of the Planning Comsdssion wan celled to order et <br />8:00 P.M., on Wednesday, September 8, 1965, by Chairmen Landon. <br />AOLL CALL ahoaed the fol3oviDg: <br />Present Commissioaesa Antonini <br />Johnston <br />Aega <br />Chairman Landon <br />Secretary False <br />Upon satioD of Commiesioaer Johoaton, seconded by Commieaionar Antonini, the minutes <br />of the meatitng of August 11, 1965, vase approved se presented by unanimous vote. The <br />meeting of August 28, 1965, sea not held because of lack of a quorum. <br />Chairmen Landon opened the public hearing on the application of Mre. Cheater Roee1, <br />9838 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, for a Variance from the requirements of Ord.No.309, <br />in order to co:utsuct multiple dwelling units with a reduced site widtb, rear yard, <br />side yard and driveaay, at 492 St. John St., in an RG-15 District, continued from <br />April 28, May 12, May 26 and June 9. Mr. Struthers eteted that he had received <br />cossespo:dencs from Ms. Sch:wtmeches, Ateoraey for Mss. Rossi, asking for a contin- <br />uanCa of tan weela on this ieem to see vhat action ie taken on condemnation of the <br />property. This oleo applied to she application for a Zoning Fermit with Site Plan, <br />Architectural end Landscape Approval oD the name property. Upon motion by Chairmen <br />Landon, seconded by Commissioner Antonini, end carried, the applications for <br />Variance and Zoning Permit fns Mrs. Cheater Rossi were continued to the meeting of <br />September 22, 1965. <br />Chairman Landon then opened public heering on the application of M. E. Stanley, 648 <br />Bonita Ave., fns a Co~ltio:ul Use lermit in order to construct an autoebbile ser- <br />vice station on s parcel of property loceeed immediately north of the interesction <br />of Main and First Straete, in a C-C Diatsict, conti:wed from July 28. Mr. Struthers <br />stated that he had received a telephone Dell from Mr. Motto, Attorney for Mr. <br />Stanley, with confirming letter eo follow, asking that this item be continued to <br />October 13. Ms. Pelee suggested this be continued to September 22nd, at which time <br />our report would be presented and action taken. This also applied to the applica- <br />tion for Zoning Permit on Lhe above property. Upon nation by Conmissioner Antonini, <br />aecooded by Chairmen Landon, and carried, these items ware continued to the meeting <br />of September 22, 1965. <br />Nexe item on the agenda vas the public hearing for application of J. A. Comer, 1949 <br />West Winton Ave., Neyvard, for an Amendment to Ord. No. 309 rezoning a parcel of <br />property at 4160 Stanley Blvd., from the interim R-1 District to the AG-15 District. <br />This parcel is within the area studied under Zoning Annex No. 38. After discussion <br />concerning interim zoning, Mr. Pales suggested Chia item be put over to October <br />13th. Mr. Comer we• in the audieixe and eteted he wanted it zoned is conformance <br />with she surrounding areas. Upon the recossendation of Mr. Be lee, Chairman Landon <br />!Detracted the staff to study this matter in detail with regard to land use, other <br />zoning alternatives, and the proposed route of the Del Valle Parkway. Mr. Struthers <br />indicated that permanent zoning !e more desirable than interim zoning because of the <br />legal implications of the zoning ordinance which does not recognise temporary zoning <br />for the purpose of denying rezoning applications. Chairmen Landon moved the public <br />hearing be continued to the meeting of September 22, 1965, Commissioner Antonini <br />seconded, end the motion carried. <br />Chairman Landon then opened the public heating on the application of Ad-Art, Inc., <br />1715 64th St., Emeryville, fora Variance from Section 17.706, Ord. No. 309, in <br />order to install as advertizing eiga in connection with 8dgren Motors, 234 Main St., <br />in a C-G District. Plana s~ photographs were displayed and discussed. There <br />being no comments from the audience, it was moved by Commiseiones Antonini, <br />seconded by Coaimiseioaer Johnston, and carried, that the public hearing be closed. <br />After discussion coneerniag the excessive height of the sign, the revolving nature <br />of the eiga sad its illumination, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous <br />vote: <br />