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M I N U T S S <br />of <br />THS PLANNING COTII~IISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />May 25, 1966 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Co~naisaion was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M., on Wednesday, May 11, 1966, by Chairman Antonini. <br />ROLL CALL showed the following: <br />Present: Conmiasioners Arnold <br />Gnrrigan <br />Chaiman Antonini <br />Absent: Conniasioners Johnston <br />Plato <br />Secretary Falea <br />Mr. Alan Campbell, Gity Engineer, acted as Secretary <br />Pro Ten for this meeting. <br />Upon notion of Cocmisaioner Carrigan, seconded by Cocviseioner Arnold, the minutes <br />of the meeting of May I1, 1966, were approved as presented by unanimous vote. <br />Chaiman Antonini opened the public hearing on the application of D & V Builders, <br />Inc., 6000 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, and Wn. R. Buck, for an anendnent to Ordinance <br />No. 309 rezoning, upon annexation, approximately 70 acres located north of Valley <br />Avenue, between Santa Rita and Ropyard Roads, from the A District to the R-1 Dis- <br />trict. Mr. Campbell presented the staff report which reconneaded approval with <br />stipulations. The natter of the Casterson parcel was discussed in connection with <br />the annexation and the rezoning. Mr. Dudley Frost, representing D & V Builders, <br />was present in the audience and asked that the Casterson property be zoned to R-1 if <br />possible. Upon motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Coffiisaioner Carrigan, <br />and carried, the public hearing was closed. After further discussion, upon motion <br />of Connisaioner Carrigan, seconded by Cocmisaioner Arnold, the following resolution <br />was adopted by unanimous vote. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 575 <br />WHEREAS, the application of D & V Builders, Inc., 6000 <br />Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, and Wm. R. Buck, for <br />an amendment to Ordinance No. 309 rezoning, upon <br />annexation, approximately 70 acres located north <br />of Valley Avenue, between Santa Rita and Hopyard <br />Roads, from the A District to the R-1 District, has <br />cone before this Condiasion: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED: that the recotvendation to the City Council be that <br />this application be approved rezoning the 70 scree <br />from the A District to the R-1 District, together <br />with the stipulation that since the property involved <br />has not yet been annexed, the effect of a rezoning <br />is contingent upon annexation, and in no way shall <br />a rezoning action at this tine alleviate the obli- <br />gation of the applicant to adhere to all City ord- <br />inaaces which nay be is effect on ebe date annex- <br />ation becomes effective. <br />It was detemined to set a public hearing on the Casteraon property for rezoning <br />fran the A District to the R-1 District. <br />Chairman Antonini opened the public hearing on the application of R. J. Broshious, <br />1366 Kolln Street, for a Variance from Section 6.500, Ordinance No. 309, in order to <br />install a covered patio within the rear-yard setback, at the above address in an <br />