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PLANHINCI~ CUMt9ISSIUN OF THE CITY OF PL1;A,iAh'TON <br />GUUNTY OF ALAMf.DA, STATE JF CALIFURNL9 <br />Rr;SULUTIUN ~ 6 <br />W'EIF:itB~.S, the City Coustcil requested the Planning Com®ission <br />to recommend for zoning the area known as Roy Jenaea's "Professional <br />Center;" and public hearings have been held pursuant to law; and <br />WHEiiEAS, by Resolution No. S dated September 2U, 1956, the <br />Planning Coamission did recommend zoning for all the area excluding <br />the attached 3escribed property; and <br />WEiERL:AS, the existing zoning ordinance of the City of <br />Pleasanton adopted on February 1, 1954, and amended on Nay 2&, 1956, <br />dose not distinguish between the use of land for professional services <br />and use for other conr~iercial purposes; alai <br />WHERRAS, the City of Pleasanton is in the process of coon <br />pleting a general plan of development which will include the revision <br />of the aforesaid Zoning Ordinance; <br />NUW THrREFUf2E 81v IT PtiESULYf;D, as an interim measure pending <br />the adoption of a revised Zoning ordinance, the aforesaid property fa <br />rtcommended for zoning for non-residential use subject to the <br />following restrictions <br />Ij The property may be employed solely in the following <br />uses: <br />(a) Administrative and executive offices. <br />(b) Professional offices and medical clinics. <br />(c) Off-street parking lots required to service <br />permitted uses. <br />(d) Accessory buildings and a{:Nurtenant to <br />permitted uses. <br />(e) Une sign appurtenant to permitted uses, no <br />sign to exceed two {2) square feet in area. <br />2j Structures shall be essentially residential in <br />character and shall has9sonize the architecture of <br />existing structures adjacent to them, <br />3) No structure shall be in excess of one story or <br />fifteen (15) feet in height. <br />4) Uff-street parking space for each two hundred (200) <br />square feet of office floor space plus one (1j <br />parking apace for each employee or staff member shall <br />be provided. <br />5) Ma:imms lot coverage shall be 25¢. <br />6) A permanently landscaped strip no less than ten (lO} <br />feet wide abutting residential property lines and no <br />leas than twenty (20) feet wide abutting all public <br />streets shall i,e ma.intained. <br />7j Curb breaks givin;~ access to the property shall not <br />occur closer than fifty (SO) feet from t;:,,r nearest <br />curb of an intersecting street. Curb breaks shall <br />be no wider t,ian twenty (2U) feet and shall be <br />aenarated from the ad iacent breaks by a curb no 1P.9s <br />