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Submitte d O n: <br />Jan 21, 2025, 11:35AM P S T <br />C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting - <br />Submit y our w r itten public <br />comment <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Full Na me F irs t Na me : Vicki <br />La s t Na me : LaB a r ge <br />E ma il (this e ntry is dis c lo s a ble <br />if inc lude d)vickilab@ comcas <br />C ity C o unc il Me e ting Da te Janua r y 21, 2025 <br />Me e ting Type Regular Meeting at 7 P M <br />Age nda Ite m Numbe r 15 <br />C o mme nts Mayor B alch, C o uncil Membe r s , and S taff, <br />I attended the fir s t B AC meeting las t wee k, Ja nuar y 16th, and was <br />co ncer ned that the m eeting was neithe r tele vis ed no r r ecor ded. For <br />the s ake of tr ans par ency, it would have been impo r tant to do s o for <br />the public. Additiona lly, the public notice abo ut this meeting was <br />ins ufficient. While it was lis ted on the webs ite, no notifications wer e <br />e ma iled. I o nly fo und out about the meeting when I r ece ived the <br />e ma il on Januar y 16th about the r egular m eeting s cheduled for <br />Janua r y 21s t and clicked on the link. It s ee ms it wo uld be difficult to <br />be tr ans par ent when no notice go es o ut to the public. <br />Fur ther m or e, the details behind the budge t we r e lacking. The r e is <br />o ver 4 m illion in no n-depar tme nta l s pending, and when as ked fo r <br />clar ification, the Finance Dir ecto r only gave a co uple o f examples . It <br />will be extr em ely difficult for the B AC to co m e up with <br />r eco mmendations for expens e r eductions without the line item <br />deta il. <br />T he pr es entation of the infor m ation wa s a ls o unclear ; e xpens es and <br />r eve nues we r e mixed together without s howing the conne ction <br />between them . For example, it was s ta ted that ma ny libr a r y s er vices <br />a r e funding them s elves thr ough the colle ction of r evenue, a char t <br />s howing this r elations hip wo uld have be en extr emely helpful. <br />I was s ur pr is ed that the Fina nce Dir ector did no t include any time, <br />no r will pr ovide any tim e, for r eve nue enhancem ent dis cus s ions . <br />S he s tate d that it take s a long tim e to im plement r evenue -ge ner ating <br />pr o gr am s a nd tha t the focus is on the two -ye ar budget a t this time. <br />It is difficult to develo p a budget bas ed on jus t expens es and no t <br />include r evenue gener ation. <br />I r e s pectfully r eques t that the C ity C ouncil pr ovide clear dir e ction to <br />s taff to s end emails to the public pr o viding futur e da tes of B AC