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0 <br />THE CITY OF <br />j~L~~AS~4NTONo <br />CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br />October 7, 2008 <br />Assistant City Manager <br />TITLE: APPROVAL OF A THIRD AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT FOR <br />CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH R3 CONSULTING GROUP, INC., FOR <br />REFUSE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING SERVICES <br />SUMMARY <br />The City Council approved an agreement with R3 Consulting Group, Inc., (R3) dated <br />April 20, 2004, to provide consulting services to review refuse collection and recycling <br />rates charged by Pleasanton Garbage Services (PGS). On February 15, 2005 the City <br />Council approved Amendment #1 to this agreement for additional consulting services <br />related to a range of refuse and recycling services including a review of collection rate <br />setting mechanism and methodology, review of the Hansen property rate adjustment, <br />finalizing a financial model to use for future rate reviews, review of the food waste <br />program, the interim rate review and the evaluation of the Dublin recyclable processing <br />option. On March 6, 2007, the Council approved Amendment #2, which includes <br />services related to assistance with processing the current refuse collection and recycling <br />rate review and technical assistance with A6939/Measure D diversion programs. The <br />recommended third Amendment to Agreement provides general consulting services to <br />assist with implementation of the proposed modified recycling programs and additional <br />refuse and recycling collection rate review. The amendment is included as Attachment 1. <br />The original agreement is included at Attachment 2. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />1. Approve the Third Amendment to Agreement for Consultant with R3 Consulting <br />Group, Inc., for a fee not to exceed $50,000 plus reimbursable costs. <br />2. Authorize a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $55,000 from the fund <br />balance in the Recycling and Waste Management Fund (Measure D) for this purpose. <br />FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br />This project is not currently included in the City Budget. Due to its emphasis on <br />recycling services, service fees qualify as an allowable use for Measure D funds. As a <br />result, Measure D will be used for this project. <br />