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PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF PL EA SANTON <br />ALAMEDA CO[JN TY, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION NO_ PC-2006-1 7 <br />RESOLUTION DF_N PING THE APPEAL OF JAMF_S AND 'TAMI _TANISEN, THEREBY <br />UPHOLDING THE ZONING ADMINISTRAT'OR'S APPRO VAI. OF AN <br />ADMINISTRATIVH DESIGN REVIEW, AS FILED UNDER CASE PAP-97 (PAD R-1465) <br />WHEREAS, James and Tatni Janiscn have appealed the Zoning Administrator's approval of <br />Case PADR-1465., the application of David Choy and Wendy Sonznzcr for <br />administrative design review approval to construct an approximately <br />395-square-foot first-floor addition and an approximately ] 60-square-foot <br />second-floor addition to the rear and side of the existing residence located at <br />3431 Windsor Court- and <br />WHEREAS, zoning for the property is R-1-6,500 (Single-Family Residenti alb District; and <br />WHEREAS, at its duly noticed public hearing of March 29, 2006, the Planning Commission <br />considered all public testimony, relevant exhibits, and recommendations of the <br />City staff concerning this application; and <br />WHEREAS, projects of this nature are categorically exempt from the requirements of the <br />California Environmental Quality Act ~CEQA~; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that the proposed prof ect is consistent with <br />the appearance of the existing buildings in the area. <br />NOW, "THEREFORE, "THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PLEA SAN'1.'ON <br />RESU LVBS THE FOLLOWING: <br />Section I _ Denies Case PAP-91, the appeal of James and Tami Janisen, thereby upholding <br />the Toning Administrator's approval of Case PADR-1465, the application of <br />David Choy and Wendy Somirler for ad~riinistrative design review approval to <br />construct an approximately 395-square-foot first-floor addition at~d an <br />approximately 160-square-foot second-floor addition to the rear and side of the <br />existing residence located at 3431 Windsor Court, subject to the conditions shown <br />in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made part of this case by reference. <br />Sectioi~ 2. This resolution shall become effective ] 5 days after its passage and adoption <br />~uiless appealed prior to that time. <br />