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<br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION NO.97-130 <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF <br />ANNEXATION NO. 142 (37.64 ACRES NEAR TRENERY <br />DRIVE AND MARTIN AVENUE) <br />WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 97-43, the City Council of the City of Pleasanton made <br />application to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Alameda County <br />(LAFCO) requesting initiation of proceedings to annex that certain inhabited <br />territory designated as Annexation No. 142, which territory is more specifically <br />described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and <br />WHEREAS, on November 4, 1997, a duly noticed public hearing was held at which time all <br />protests or objections to the proposed annexation were heard, and fewer than 25% <br />of the registered voters within the territory, and fewer than 25% of the property <br />owners within the territory to be annexed, objected to the annexation; and <br />WHEREAS, LAFCO found that the City of Pleasanton has completed all applicable <br />environmental reviews and that the annexation to the City of Pleasanton is <br />required to obtain the full range of municipal services necessary for the <br />development of the privately owned property within the boundaries of said <br />territory; and <br />WHEREAS, on the basis of such fmdings and by its Resolution No. 97-16, LAFCO <br />conditionally approved said application on September 11, 1997 and, upon <br />satisfaction of said conditions, authorized the City to proceed with the annexation <br />of said territory; a copy of said resolution setting forth the conditions of approval <br />is on file in the office of the City Clerk and is hereby referred to for further <br />particulars; and <br />WHEREAS, the conditions imposed by the aforesaid LAFCO Resolution No. 97-16 have been <br />fully satisfied, or will be satisfied; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON RESOLVES <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br />