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RES 2024040
City of Pleasanton
RES 2024040
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6/18/2024 4:24:22 PM
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6/18/2024 4:22:47 PM
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RESOLUTION NO. 2024-040 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON TO <br />APPROVE THE RIDGE VIEW COMMONS SENIOR RENTAL HOUSING COMPLEX'S <br />GROUND LEASE, REGULATORY AGREEMENT, AMENDED AND RESTATED <br />PROMISSORY NOTE, AND RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY <br />MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING SUBORDINATION <br />AGREEMENTS, FOR EDEN HOUSING'S TAX CREDIT FINANCING FOR THE <br />RENOVATION OF RIDGE VIEW COMMONS <br />WHEREAS, Ridge View Commons at 5200 Case Avenue is a 200 -unit senior rental <br />housing complex. The City owns the underlying land and has a Ground Lease with Eden Housing, <br />which owns the apartment buildings and manages the rental of very -low and low-income <br />affordable units as well as market -rate units at the complex; and <br />WHEREAS, when Ridge View Commons was originally developed in 1989, the City <br />acquired the land, waived development fees, and provided loans in the amount of: $4,000,000 in <br />1988 from a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant through the Housing <br />Development Grant (HODAG) program; and $2,250,000 loan in 1999 increased by $225,000 in <br />2009 from the City's Affordable Housing Funds. As Ridge View Commons provides many <br />significantly affordable units, the complex has not been able to pay off these loans, and <br />outstanding interest has continued to accrue; and <br />WHEREAS, Eden Housing has been selected by the State of California to receive an <br />allocation of tax exempt bond financing and low-income housing tax credits to fund capital <br />improvements for the renovation of Ridge View Commons, as well as upgrade to about 20 units <br />to meet current accessibility requirements. Eden Housing has asked to convey the complex to a <br />new limited partnership controlled by an affiliate of Eden, amend these existing City loans, have <br />a new regulatory agreement to clarify affordability requirements, modify the ground lease to <br />extend the term as required by the tax credit financing, and subordinate the deed of trust securing <br />repayment of the City loans to the construction/permanent lender; and <br />WHEREAS, the tax credit financing will ensure the renovation of Ridge View Commons <br />so that it can continue to serve as a vital senior housing complex with affordable units that keeps <br />existing residents safely in the Pleasanton community, thereby implementing the Livibility and <br />Community Development strategies of the ONE Pleasanton strategic plan. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES <br />RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING: <br />SECTION 1. Finds that the agreements facilitate the funding for the rehabilitation, <br />maintenance and repair of the existing residential improvements at Ridge View Commons and <br />those are a Class 1 Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) per Regulation §15301 Existing Facilities. <br />SECTION 2. Approves: (A) Amended and Restated Documents (Promissory Note, Deed <br />of Trust, Regulatory Agreement) attached as Exhibit A; (B) Amended and Restated Ground Lease <br />attached as Exhibit B; agrees to subordinate the City deed of trust to the construction/permanent <br />lender, and authorizes the City Manager to execute any required Subordination Agreement(s) in <br />a form approved by the City Attorney; and authorizes the City Manager and City Attorney to make <br />minor modifications to the agreements; and authorizes the City Manager to execute the <br />
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