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RESOLUTION NO. 17-928 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> ORDERING THE SUMMARY VACATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENTS <br /> WHEREAS, on January 26, 1982, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1014 <br /> approving the rezoning and development plan application by Daon Corporation for PUD-81-22 <br /> for an office and commercial/residential complex located on a site bounded by Stoneridge Drive, <br /> Stoneridge Mall Road, 1-580 and 1-680 PUD-81-22, including Condition of Approval No. 18 that, <br /> among other things, provided public access to the private park included as part of the <br /> development plan; and <br /> WHEREAS, on March 11, 1985, the City Engineer, acting under his authority, approved <br /> Parcel Map 4184 and concurrently accepted all dedications of public service easements (PSE) <br /> that included PSEs providing rights to the public to construct and maintain public utilities and <br /> one PSE depicted entirely over one of the parcels, Parcel 9, and dedicated to the public for <br /> access to the park on said parcel; and <br /> WHEREAS, on March 27, 1985, Parcel Map 4184 was recorded; and <br /> WHEREAS, on October 29, 1987, the City Engineer, acting under his authority, <br /> approved Parcel Map 5292, which adjusted a number of lot lines of Parcel 9 and renamed it <br /> Parcel 6 (APN 941 120108700); and <br /> WHEREAS, on June 8, 1988, Parcel Map 5292 was recorded; and <br /> WHEREAS, on June 3, 2014, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2100 approving <br /> the applications by Workday, Inc. for PUD-104 to: construct a six-story, approximately 430,000 <br /> square foot office building, parking garage, and related site improvements at 6110 Stoneridge <br /> Mall Road; eliminate the public's use of the private park on Parcel 6 (APN 941 120108700) of <br /> Parcel Map 5292 located between the existing office buildings at 6120, 6130, 6140, 6150 and <br /> 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road; and relocate public water and sanitary sewer mains located on <br /> 6110, 6120, 6140 and 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road; and <br /> WHEREAS, on June 7, 2016, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2146 approving <br /> the applications by Workday, Inc. for PUD-81-22-15M and PUD-104-1 M to: construct a six story, <br /> approximately 410,000 square foot office building, parking garage, and related site <br /> improvements at 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road; and require the developer to provide plats and <br /> legal descriptions for the vacation of public service easements as determined by the City <br /> Engineer (Condition of Approval No. 15); and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that certain public service easements on 6110, 6120, <br /> 6140 and 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road for public utilities and the public service easement on <br /> Parcel 6 (APN 941 120108700) of Parcel Map 5292 for public purposes to a private park are no <br /> longer needed. <br /> • <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> PLEASANTON DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING: <br />