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THE CITY OF _ _ 23 <br /> CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br /> pL EASANTON. <br /> June 16, 2015 <br /> Assistant City Manager <br /> TITLE: CONSIDER A REQUEST FROM MIDPEN HOUSING FOR AN <br /> ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF <br /> KOTTINGER GARDENS AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT <br /> (PUD-101) TO BE LOCATED ON KOTTINGER DRIVE <br /> SUMMARY <br /> On November 12, 2013, the City Council approved a Disposition, Development and <br /> Loan Agreement (DDA) with MidPen Housing that provides in part, for a $10 million loan <br /> from the City's Lower Income Housing Fund for the development of the Kottinger <br /> Gardens affordable senior housing project which was approved by the City Council with <br /> PUD-101 in June 2014. The PUD approved the development of a 185 unit project in a <br /> configuration of single story cottage units, and two and three story multi-story buildings <br /> with parking, significant open spaces, and community rooms to be built on the Kottinger <br /> Place (240 Kottinger Drive) and Pleasanton Gardens (251 Kottinger Drive) sites. At the <br /> time of the DDA, MidPen estimated that the $10 million appropriation, (which through <br /> the DDA was converted to a loan) would be adequate to assure the project's ability to <br /> obtain the additional financing needed to assure project construction. However, since <br /> that time, MidPen has indicated that the financing environment has changed and <br /> therefore, it is requesting that the DDA loan amount be increased from $10 million to <br /> $13,750,000. Staff has met with MidPen regarding this matter and this report is intended <br /> to provide the information necessary for the City Council to make a decision regarding <br /> the increased appropriation/loan. If the City Council approves the additional <br /> appropriation, the appropriate action would be to include the attached resolution <br /> (Attachment 1) amending the DDA and authorizing the additional loan amount. <br /> RECOMMENDATION <br /> Approve the attached resolution approving a $3,750,000 appropriation from the Lower <br /> Income Housing Fund (Fund 271900) and approving an amendment to the Disposition, <br /> Development and Loan Agreement dated November 5, 2015 that increases the existing <br /> loan amount from $10 million to $13,750,000. <br /> FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br /> Total cost for developing and constructing the new development is estimated at $68.8 <br /> million which is an increase from the 2013 estimate of $61.6 million. Project funding will <br /> come from a number of sources including 9% tax credit equity, a conventional <br /> permanent loan, HOME loan and a financial contribution from the City. The City Council <br /> previously approved an appropriation of$10 million. The Lower Income Housing Fund's <br /> current balance is approximately $16 million. <br />