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THE CITY OF 1 5 <br /> pLEASANTON. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br /> March 18, 2014 <br /> Assistant City Manager <br /> TITLE: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FIXED AND UNIFORM REFUSE <br /> COLLECTION AND RECYCLING SERVICE RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL <br /> AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS <br /> SUM_ MARY <br /> The City maintains an exclusive refuse collection and recycling franchise agreement <br /> (Franchise) with Pleasanton Garbage Service (PGS) to provide all residential and <br /> commercial collection services, including the collection of refuse, recyclable material, <br /> green waste and food scraps from residences and commercial accounts. In accordance <br /> with the terms of the Franchise, PGS may request adjustments to refuse collection and <br /> recycling service rates if it provides detailed information supporting the adjustment. <br /> PGS submitted a rate proposal and it has been reviewed by staff, the City's consultant <br /> (Crowe Horwath LLP) and the City Council Refuse and Recycling subcommittee <br /> (Subcommittee) comprised of Councilmembers Brown and Cook-Kallio. As an outcome <br /> of this review, the parties have come to agreement regarding a supportable adjustment. <br /> However, the parties have not yet come to agreement on Franchise amendments that <br /> address underlying fundamental differences between the parties regarding future rate <br /> calculations and as such, staff is recommending an amendment to the existing <br /> agreement with Crowe Horwath LLP to provide additional services it an attempt to <br /> resolve the parties differences. As a result of this later situation, the City Council may <br /> elect to direct staff to begin preparing material required for the City to conduct a <br /> competitive process for a refuse provider after the PGS Franchise expires in June 2019. <br /> RECOMMENDATION <br /> 1. Approve the attached resolution (Attachment 1) establishing fixed and uniform <br /> refuse and recycling rates for residential and commercial customers effective April 1, <br /> 2014 and authorize the Subcommittee to continue discussing outstanding franchise <br /> and rate related issues. <br /> 2. Approve Amendment #3 to the Crowe Horwath. LLP Professional Services <br /> Agreement (Attachment 4) in an amount not to exceed $15,000. <br /> 3. Direct staff to begin reviewing documentation required to conduct a competitive bid <br /> for a refuse and recycling provider after the Franchise expires in June 2019, while <br /> staff continues negotiating with PGS regarding franchise modifications. <br /> FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br /> The City pays for all of its refuse services and as a result, these costs for City facilities <br /> will increase by 7.80% or approximately $15,000 per year Also, if staff is directed to <br /> continue negotiations with PGS, the additional $15,000 for amendment #3 to the Crowe <br /> Horwath, LLP Professional Services Agreement will be allocated from the General Fund <br /> Contingency. <br />