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Paci~e G~s and Electric Company <br />San Fr=,~i~o, California <br /> <br /> Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 10007-O <br />Cablecling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9317-G <br /> <br /> RULE NO. 15 <br /> <br />GAS MAIN EXTENSIONg--Contd. <br /> <br />B. Fr~ Enenfion~ to Individual Applklna for ~n'ic~ntd. <br /> <br /> 3. Ma~ E~om ~yond ~e Fr~ ~n~. <br /> <br /> b. Me~ of Refund <br /> The ~ount advanced in accordance with S~tlon B.3 hereof ~H1 be subject to refund as <br /> follows: <br /> <br /> (1) Refunds or an advance will be predicated on con~ection of separately metered permanent <br /> ~lority P1 load and/or customers; will be made wllhout interest; and will be made <br /> within ninety days after date of first service to such load and/or customer, except ~at <br /> refunds may be cumulated to ~25.00 minimum or the teal refundable balance ff less than <br /> ~25.00 before each refunding. <br /> <br /> (2) For such load and/or customer the Utility will refund an amount based on the foota~e that <br /> the allowable lree length under Section B e~ceeds ~e ]engh of main (if any) required to <br /> serve, multiplied by ~e unit cost per foot speci~ in Section B,3.a.(1) applicable at the <br /> time the extension was origina~y constructed. <br /> <br /> (3) Refunds also ~ll be made for the appliances and the load specified in Section B-1 pema- <br /> nenlly Installed In excess of ~e load contracted for oriOnally, when added within one year <br /> of first taking se~ice. Such refund will be made within ninety days ~ter the Utility <br /> eelyes notice of ~e addition by the customer. <br /> <br /> (4) ~ere ~ere is a series of extensions. on any of which an advance is still refundable, and <br /> <br /> each of such advances which remain refundable be~aning with the first In sexes lrom the <br /> o~ po~t of <br /> <br /> (5) ~en two or more parties make a 3oint advance on the sac extension, refundable mounts <br /> will ~ distributed to these parties in the same proportion ~ their individu~ advances <br /> to ~eir to~l Jolt advance. <br /> <br /> (6) NO payment will be made by the Utility in excess or the amount advanced by the applicant <br /> or applicants after a period o[ ten years from ~e date the Utility Is first ready to render <br /> se~lce from the extension, and any unrefund~ amour remain~g at the end of ~e ten- <br /> year period wii1 become the property of ~e Utility. <br /> <br /> ~in H~e~om to ~e Su~&vhiom, Trs~, Ho~ing Proi~ and M~ti-Fsm~y <br /> <br /> dwellings will be constructed, owned ad manrained by the Utility in advance et applications <br /> for se~-tce by ultimate users only when the entire estimated cost o[ such extensions. a deter- <br /> mined by the U~iity, is advanced to the Utility; however, the payment of the portion of such <br /> advance as the Utility estimates would be refunded within six months under other provisions <br /> of ~ls extension role shah be postponed ~or six months If the subdirtier-builder furnishes to <br /> ~e Utility evidence that he has received state and local author~zaUons to proceed promptly with <br /> const~ction ad that he has adequate financing, and provided fu~er that the subdivider-bufid- <br /> er agrees in writing in his contract for the extension to pay immediately at the end ot six monks <br /> all amounts not previously adoneed which are not then refundable. At the end of such six- <br /> month period, the Utility shall collect all such amoun~ not previously advanced which are not <br /> ~en refondable. <br /> <br /> The aount advanced tn accordance wt~ Sections C.1 hereof will be subject to refund a fo~ows: <br /> <br /> ~ Refunds of an advace will be predicated on connections of separately metered peruanent <br /> Priority P1 se~lce load and/or customers; will be made without interest; and wiI1 be made <br /> wt~in ninety days after da~e of first service to such load and/or customer. except that re- <br /> funds may be cumulated to $25.00 minimum or the total rgundable balance II less than ~25.00 <br /> before each refunding. <br /> <br />A dv ice Let ter No. ~25 -G <br />Decisions Nos. 851S9 & 86357 <br /> <br /> Issued by <br />W. ~I. Gallavan <br />Vice-President--Rates and Valuatiun <br /> <br /> (continued) <br /> <br />Date FiledSeptember 22, 1976 <br />Effective October 1, 1976 <br />Resolution No. <br /> <br /> <br />