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29. <br /> <br />30. <br /> <br />31. <br /> <br />33. <br /> <br />34. <br /> <br />37. <br /> <br />That a].l hui]dh~gs and/or structure.~; must comply wlth all <br />codeu and ordj. t'~l~ce.'s effect at the time requjre~l peafruits <br />are issued by the Building Drivision. <br /> <br />Tha[t the location of any pdd meunted tra~,sformers shall <br />be subject to the approval of the P].anning Division prior <br />to issuance of a building permit. <br /> <br />That the developer subhilt a site d-avelopment plan <br />jn accordance w~th the Survey Ordinance (Article <br />Chapter 3, Title II) and that th'is plan be app~-oved <br />by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a <br />building permit. <br /> <br />That inne site devcj_opment plan include all required <br />info3jnation to design and construct site, grading, <br />paving and drainage. <br /> <br />That the paving sections for the parking and drive <br />areas be designe'.~ on the basis of an R-Value tese and <br />a Traffic Index to carry the anticipated traffic load, <br />This design shall be subject to the approval. of tile <br />City Engineer, The minimum paving sectj. on shall be <br />2" A,C, on 6" A,B, The minimum A,C, pavement slope <br />shall be 1%, <br /> <br />That the developer's contractor obtai, n an encroachment <br />permit from the City prior to tile beginning of con- <br />struction. <br /> <br />That the developer p~y an{; and all fees; that the <br />property may be subject <br /> <br />That the underground storm drain system requir~,i by <br />condition of approval of Parcel Map 3707 be instal],ed <br />with the development of thj. s site, that it be a public <br />system within a public service easement (PSE). <br /> <br />That improvement plans and storm drarlnage c~tlc!l]~ations <br />for this development be submitted to Alameda CouIlty <br />Flood Controt-Zene 7 for review and that all ~eqt-tire2 <br />ments of the FederaI Emergency Management Flood Hazard <br />Program be met. <br /> <br />That the site plan for this deve!opmant be submitted <br />to Dublin San Ramon Serfg]ces District (DStlSD) for <br />review regarding the existing sanitary sewer trunk <br />main along the east property line. <br /> <br /> <br />