by and betHeeq ~he ', [~ [ ?F Pi E,~S&N]UN ~ J m]Y&¥ETF'~'F'corpora~ion of ~he
<br />S~ate <~f Cal~forn~,t, here;rafter called the, "CITY" and TJKM,
<br />Cali~Lnnla CoPpoPat~G~. h~:relndftec ':~ '.! U~e
<br />
<br />~41~!<E;,,~,, the [N,3INL~!: is a a~ified aq,j wi!l!I!,~ to do said engineering
<br />~l:,-~: and prepare ~,ai,-I t~hi,~s, sp=~c~ficati,)ns arm cost estimdte.
<br />
<br />NOW, [H~REFDRE, in ,:onb~der dti,ln ,~t the m~rual cover/arlt. s, promises a:ld
<br />agreements herp~n set fort, il, !:he parties do hereby agree as follows
<br />
<br />Pr,-.parc! c,lnc~pt r'epcrt. Out~lni/i.9 c]i,jniilent recommerldat~on,
<br />street widening, ~,lun,~! pia,:e:ient dnd [.'ndsing and stri~ing
<br />reColl~neFlda L i Ors.
<br />
<br />Design and prepardtion of plans, cost estimates and contract
<br />doCul;ler~t'~ ami genera: asslF,~al;c:e ta CITY in preparing contract
<br />for troffjc signals, here~natter call~<J the
<br />
<br />The ~,!ans s!',~i hi. pleparLs! in accordance wit:ti Ci'[Y StandaFds
<br />and t,~ i.~, :aCisl'actl,'m of the CITY. Fhe base plans sha~ De at
<br />a sca~e of i" 20' Inctuded in the final plans will be ~
<br />t~tle street, S~gr~di Hlal/ t, heets, aRd S~r'~p~{Ig pldn sh-ets, a'ld
<br />uther '. ~l~]t. is as ",-quirvd. LN.i~i~}~ sti.-~] ;~repdre a d~ailgd
<br />en~} tneer' s esti :ia~ e ~'~r' t, hc i.iprO~Hl~tfltS. PVLj,:rZC F shal ) connect
<br />
<br />ENG!NLLR S!~ai l !le av,~iiaL, ie (it!' d pre-bid cor!lerence and during
<br /> t;] 6p~.~!,r t.~CtlH~,.d~ ~t~e~.!.~Of!S, i~repare dry tecm~ical
<br />a,I~eHdd arid ,mal3~e b~Cs, Eft~ib~_Ex shall be available durir~g
<br />
<br />Z, !,;[\l S!:~l'viLe5
<br />
<br />~rls, aer~?l pn~H. os. dat.~ .~d r~Ies as are Cbrrenl.]y avdllable and
<br />:,t::tzss~rV ~,~r' ENGjNEE~ to c~mpieLe if.s v~urk ,ruder U:is agreement.
<br />,:~[Y wi~] ;:~se piovide ~r bOOt',]~ldt.~ dr)' requ~Fed Clvll eP~]ineering
<br />d¢slln t,~rvl,~ and v,l~J 1),~ .'ebpons~b~e f:)r uver~l F~roJect:
<br />~Qnini-,trab~on and inspeLtian.
<br />
<br />
<br />