Spe,'it l:L,!t'.:ri= au<~ CL;mi!!Itl]Liq,~$ sh.~i~ b~COill~ property of the
<br />C;TY.
<br />
<br />,I.
<br />
<br />lhe LNc~I!d!}.i-: Snai ! Colnpi y with rill federal , SCare aqd local
<br />~aws, sr.~t,,~es, nr,Jir!a,,aes, rules and regulations, and the
<br />ord(~'s and d~creos Qf any courts or administrative bodies or
<br />t r'lbuna] s in 4ny m~nr~Hr ~f1:r~:t ~nq the performance of ~.he
<br />A,jr~:en~nL, ~'H.~ud"~mj witnon[ ]i,n:tation, wurkmen'S CompensaCIon
<br />laws ,~rld ]l<:~nsir~g ',aws and rettulations.
<br />
<br />IIp3n %vm -'.) days a,:l'/,i~,je written rioLice to C!le ENGINEER, the
<br />Cii¥ hereby ~escrves the riljtit to cancel [.h~s Agreement,
<br />whi.'.h ,~:,~ the ~N(;INE~ t~ha~ be Conipensated For all work and
<br />bury ~,,:,; ~c~r ' ~r,~,2.' 'C t,, !,:; z lot" ;ff r'e:{~ipt n:' s,dd ,lotice of
<br />Cafice~ ~L )TI. [rl [T;~-~ eVt)iiL O~ abdrldonn~,-:1~ or sus~)er, s.i,.m of the
<br />WOF~ tO~ WfiiCh :d~V !,:~S :IaVP buen per~'urmed under %his
<br />,~<~reemDr~t.. ;,nr~uant t.o dir~ction ~f Lhv CITY, the ENGINEER. if
<br />rH(~tleSt?,i tq '~C S{' r;v ~ r:=~ :: E[y, sn::~ :~' 'm work at thp stage
<br />d~r~:cLed by the ~,1~: ~;d shal~ {~u~i'v~r to ~hu C[iY all aata,
<br />SneCifl,_ati,Jn:, :rod drawincJs deve~nped ds of :aid sta:e, an,i t. Le
<br />b:l'Y shal', q~ve the riqh! tn have S;~crl drawings, dat3, and
<br />spe,~ili:ra*.zur.: comh;"L.m] by others and shall have title tn all
<br />'~,,,:hmHr,Cc, ~ ,r s.'~:]
<br />
<br />N,',ithP~ 'h~ ( Ii'/ihlr !.he CNLHNELi< ,mat! assign Or trdhSfe" thuir
<br />,ntur~,ct. in ~YIiS Aqfee:l~Qflt W1LhDItl the written C(IF~S~)F!L Of ~he
<br />
<br />
<br />