P,i3 ,'\bR(LHt[~{. n{adc in!~ ~i~.~.r'e,~ 1'it<: in!~, ........................... . i983,
<br /> and betwetn t~,' ;iT" Ii Pi:.r~$~,;q~dN, ~ r. zu,~,i,}a~ :;orporatinn nt the
<br /> ,
<br />
<br />jude the desidn L,f new Lratr~c ~.j;h~]3 dt ~Me mtecsectjon cf ~er'nal
<br />
<br />~;H~HLAS, the !:N.:!N!zZi( 's Eua:iti:d F}ld wll}f!!g to do Said erl!ifne?F ing
<br /> arid prepdr~ % ~ d pi :,:s . ': p{'c x r~cnT. iuns .:rid cost estimate.
<br />
<br />N[;W, iiiEREFOk~, In CunsldePati iil Of tile nlutua] (.(),jellants, promises and
<br />aFJreemenCs nereln s,!I h:irth, ttle i~a!'tles do hereby ac r~;e as ~o[ lows:
<br />
<br />tn the:: snt::br~l, ri,,,: ,;f It',- jliY, ~n? b,,se ;l~,,ns shall be at a
<br />sc, ale ut l" ',i',, i+l,:ud,';d Ir~ tile fla,,fi p{dns will be a title
<br />
<br />addP,,,da ,u,l an~Ty/u .,l,:jq, EN!~[NEFR Sh~l] he dVa~ldr, le
<br />
<br />[N',ji'~t[K tO ,,,d+llpi,ttc its work uIldur t;illb agre~m+!rlE~ C!]Y w',i] also
<br />
<br />
<br />