T4I:~ .'~(~RLLN['!"I'; d _ er~t.?red /nL,, tn!s , i983,
<br /> , ' ...... '~ I- d!id
<br /> , ,:i )a!
<br />by and between tu,=, C T l~ 'I~: P~ ~':AN~ .,q, a mun~ [ Corporation of the
<br />State of Cai1~:)r'u~a. herd~nd[~-r ca~jed ~ne "C]IY" ~nd T.jKM, a
<br />
<br />~nclude the dHsj m ,~f new ~rd~t~c Signal!:; at. she intersection of
<br />TDqthitl Road ~nd ~.z i.a', Pc,: tc:: 6DTII~V4~'~ ~C';rt ~it~: the pr,2c,,,'ati,~'~ ,)f
<br />
<br />tO do said enc] neering
<br />cost estimate.
<br />
<br />NOW, IHEREFtlRE, ,n Lons;dcrat~on rff f,h;; n,utuaJ Cuv-?nants, pr'omlses and
<br />aqreelnents he;'eln $~t tOrt. l, toe oarties do hereby aqree as foJ tows:
<br />
<br />,bcoLe of Wdrk
<br />
<br />d o
<br />
<br />!)r;par'e cc'!:'epL r-~ !r~ n:l]]lilfi'] btreeL ¢]idi~n]tlg al!d !oweti/lg
<br />requirenlen[s (if a,,y.,, Signal phdSin':~ and striping ~equirements
<br />at the in~Lersec~ic~n.
<br />
<br />[)esi]r, ¢n.~ prej)dr'~,tion ~}f plans, rust estinlates and Contract
<br />docum{!nts and qen,crs!', assistance to CTry in [ree r'in9 !.cntract
<br />f r
<br /> o trd[f:c S19/!a;,-, hl2cel[~dftc!r cal!ed ci:~:
<br />
<br />iPe ,,)ianb bi~' ;,e ptr;x~i'ed in aC(Cl",JdnCL! N]!,h CIiY Standards
<br />and to tm,~ satisfaction of the C[fY. ~he ba~e plans shall be at
<br />a scale uf 1' Z~)'. l~,luded in the flndj plans will be a
<br />~t;l,: 2, he-~', ;~,:r,~l ~ ~( '~ ~:.eet'-~ ~:t sir:; n_: p~ar~ hheets, anti
<br />e/net ';heQ~s d:, r,~qL~:, u.I. EhG~r,iLLH sh..i',] '.}repar';~ ~ det4l ~Pd
<br />t~glri~t-r"s ~SE~HdL~ i.,' ',me impr:~veqients. PROjLCf Sha~ ~ connect
<br />
<br />h)~6INL:; :' -ha! bP av..'i iBole for a pr!e-D!d Conference arid during
<br />p~ Id~n,j t d~ ~,e, tecu,~,:aj questions, prep,u'e any technical
<br />~dd,a'~G ,~nd and%y,:,- t,id;. ~ZN(,;T'~LZLR sna;( be avai ~db]H durin9
<br />
<br />,e . t' ! i y '>err - es
<br />
<br />~,l~tn':, ch!:;~ and ti ~t2t :~S ar-e cunmmt~y dVdl],tbJf~ aRd n~.e~;sary for
<br />ENhirfiLER to c;;:nplete ~ts wurk ~inder th~s dgr'eem,~nL. Cj]'Y will also
<br />
<br />and w; i ~ be r,~,,;mr~s~ble to~ uveral [ pro,le,:L ddll~lnjstratiun and
<br />
<br />
<br />