REAL PROPERTY in the City of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, State of
<br />California, described as follows:
<br />
<br />A PORTION of Parcel C, Parcel Map No. 4014, filed April 22, 1983 in Book
<br />138 of maps of Page 20, (/fFicial Records of Alanleda County, California
<br />described as follows:
<br />
<br />PARCEi, ONE ([!~ H PHRCHASL )
<br />
<br />f~EGINNING at a point on that c,et'ta'.n c:cms,_~ !h,,,~m as "i~ 23" 401 27" F
<br />185.00 feet orl thL~ g(ner'al rloFtht,a!;tur;i line' ef Parcel B On said Parcel
<br />Map No. 4014, distant th~on Nor'lh 23° 40' ?'/" East 60.00 feet from the
<br />southwestern termintzs of sa ift c{~urse~ rurmi~;q ~hp~ce~ from a tar~(]ent which
<br />bears North 66'~ lg' 3S' West, nort:hwust,~r'ly alt,qq the ,4~C of a curve to
<br />the right having d radius of 300.0~i Eee:, thYongh a ~,er,lral angle of
<br />35° 48' 36" a distance of 1H7.50 Feet; thence South 59" 29' ~2" West llq.18
<br />feet:; thence t4orth 86" (JS: ~4" West 91.32 fee&:; t;aence North J2" 51' 41'
<br />West 9O.O0 feet,; thence SauLh 69~' 13' 14" West 150.00 feet to an intergectioo
<br />with the general western lir, e of said PalFee1 C; thence along the exterior
<br />boundary line of said Parnel C the foltowin{q courses and distances: from
<br />a tangent which bears SnatCh 2C)' 46' 57" East -,nutherly and sc~utheasterly
<br />along the ate of a curve to the left having a radi,Js of 6673,58 feet through
<br />a central angle of 8° 58' 56' a distance of 1046,23 feet, tangent to last
<br />said curve South 29" 45' 53" East 295.86 'feet, North 69~ Ol' 20' East
<br />52.62 feet, tlorth 60" 26' 20" E 216.q2 feet, North 55° 26' 3E," East 408.21
<br />feet, North 28~ 24' 00" West 82.19 feet. North 70" 00' 00" East 70.76 feet,
<br />North 47~' 00' OO" Easi 143.06 feeCa N,~rt:h 68~' 28' 55' Fast 143.S4 feet;
<br />North 23~' 49' 90" West ii,'~.Od feet,; Sou{h 6~: l] ' 0~" k,]est 10.04 feet;
<br />North 24-' 07' (}~" WesL 299.g~I feeta Soulh 8,$' 02' 29" Wesk 91,I2 feet; South
<br />57° 46' 14" Wcst 108,17 foet; South 43~' 52' 15" West 161.52 feet; Nol th
<br />48~ 25' 04" West 14,1.07 feet,; South 41° 3,~' b6" West 160,91 feet; rbrt, h
<br />48~ 25' 04" West 3.20 feet; tsmgent to last said codkse horLi:wosEeFl/along
<br />the arc of a curve to the right htrving a radius of 316 Poet through a central
<br />angle of 6° 42' 59" a distan,se f}f ,:7.04 feet; South 4]° 34' 56' West 107.]7
<br />feet; North 48" 25' 04" West 61,20 feet; Narth 19~' 45' 24" W~:st 123.51 feet;
<br />[]orth 14° 17' 05" West 46,C32 feet; North ]0:' 37' 5,Y' Wost 129.77 feet; North
<br />14" 5C' 08" East 122.44 fe,tt; from a tahg{znl: which bears North 75~' 03' 52'
<br />East, ,,tastefly al~mg the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 360
<br />feet through a cent:ral dngle of 8' 4d' 18" a distance of 54.91 feet; North
<br />23° ,:0' 27': Ea:,t 60 OO feet {:o the point of be~inni~39.
<br />
<br />Conta ~ rli rig 19. ~'('Jt~' dC r,-'S l/iorl} ',)r' ]ess ,
<br />
<br />
<br />