5. That the grant, 5hail supcrt'i~ ; :l. !'!.:l ;
<br />re~;onabte i?~terL'ds, and shall imrnadt~tc~,, t:~d: ,;'~
<br />i~pection, or when requested by &~id off wet h~ '~i;~n' c1:~3, defects. Upon con:pl,~tio~; of. the
<br />installation of ~zid fitcilities and the trulkin[[ of tzil? r,?::irs th~?~ ,~t,>, the [,I-c, zTzi.%~s sicall be zestored
<br />immediately by the grantee, at the grantee~ own exp,~ilsP, t(J t]z~ ~,..,le conditkm as that b~ which
<br />they existed prior to the commencement of such u,o.~/c, ~o lhe s~2tisfactiott of the said officer. TIre
<br />Fantee shall have the right of ingress and egt~.~ for suUz
<br />
<br /> 6. That any property of the {htited S:ates damased or dcsti ;>.l'ed by the graute~o iz~cident to
<br />the use and occupation of the said pren2ises shall be prom.oil)' rell,'dred or replaced by the grantee to
<br />the satis[action of the solid officer, or in heu of such repair or replacement the grantee shall. if so
<br />required by the said officer, pay to the United Stales gn;niey in ar~ arn.ount sL~[fi:rent to compensate
<br />for the loss sustained by the United States by reason of damage to or destruction of Government
<br />prol~erty.
<br />
<br /> 7. That the United States reserves to itself the right to construct, use, and maintain across,
<br />over, and/or under the right-of-way hereby granted, electric transmission, telephone, telegraph,
<br />water, gas, gasoline, oil, and sewer lines, and other facilitie& in st, ch manner as not to create any
<br />unreasonable interference with the use of the right-of-way harein granted.
<br />
<br /> 8. 7'i~at the United States shall not be responsible for any da,nages to property or firjuries to
<br />pers3ns which may arise from or be incident to the use and occupation of the said premises, or for
<br />damages to the property of the grantee, or for injuries to the person of the grantee (if an
<br />individual), or for damages to the property or injuries to the person of the grantee's officers, egents,
<br />servants, or ernployees, or others who may be on said premises at their invitation or the invitation
<br />of any one of them, arising from or incident to governmental activities; and the grantee shall hold
<br />the United States harmless from any and all such claims.
<br />
<br /> 9. That the United States shall not be res.r~onslble for damag~'s to property or injuries to
<br />persons which may arise from or be incident to the construction, maintenance, and use of said
<br />facilities.
<br />
<br /> 10. That the grantee shall farnish through said l'acilities such service as may be requb'ed from
<br />time to time for governmental purposes on ~dd land, provided that payment for all such service will
<br />be made by the United States at rates which shall be mutually agn'eeable but which shall never
<br />exceed the most favorable rates granted by the grantee for similar service.
<br />
<br /> 11. That, in the event all or any portion of said land occupied by said facilities shall be needed
<br />by the United States, or in the event the existence of sakt facilities shall be considered detrimental
<br />to governmental activities, the grantee shall, from time to time, upon notice so to do, and 03 often
<br />as so notified. remove said facilities to such other location or locations on said land as may be
<br />designated by said officer, or the grantee shall reconstruct said facilities underooround on said land
<br />without expense to the United States, as may be directed by ~id officer, and in the event said
<br />property shall not be removed or relocated wit.kin t~;nety (,90) days after any aforesaid notice. the
<br />United States may caase the same to be done at the ex,,,~ense of the grantee~ provided, however, that
<br />if directed to reconstruct its facil'i'ties andergroand the grindee may, at its option, in lieu of taking
<br />sack action, wholly remove its facilities fionz lands of the United Slates as described herein, at
<br />which time the right granted herein shall celise but the rest<~ratior~ cb!i~ation set forth in Condition
<br />No. 13 hereof shall remain.
<br />
<br /> 12. That this easement may be terminated by the Seereta,3, of the Army z:poa reasonable
<br />notice to the grantee if the Secretary of the Army s~lall determine that the riSht-.of-way hereby
<br />granted interferes with the use or disposal of the ~id land or any part thereof by the United States,
<br />or i~ may be forfeited and annulled by declaratio~ of the Secretcity ~,f the Army for faihu'e, neglect,
<br />or refusal by the grantee fully and promptly to comply with an2 a;~d all of the conditions of this
<br />grant, or for nonttse for a period of two years, or Rn' ab,:ndo;izneat.
<br />
<br />
<br />