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RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br /> <br />AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br /> <br />MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO <br /> <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br /> <br />DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ <br /> COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED, <br />__OR COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND <br /> ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING AT TIME OF SALE. <br /> <br />Signature of Decl6rant or Agent determining tax. Firm Neme <br /> <br />GRANT DEED <br /> <br />(Escrow No ...................... ) <br /> <br />By this instrument dated _____S__e__P__t__e___ffl__b___e__'E___]__'l___t___!__9__a__0__ ...............................................for a valuable consideration, <br /> <br />ROBERT J. MOLINARO AND CAROL E. MOLINARO, his wife, as Joint Tenants <br /> <br />hereby GRANTS to CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> <br /> ALAMEDA <br />thefolJowingdescribedRealProperWintheStateof ~lifomia, Coun~of .................................................................... <br /> <br /> PLEASANTON <br />Cityof ...................................................................... <br /> <br />Beginning at the Southwestern corner of "Parcel Map 3~69, City of Pleasanton, <br />Alameda County, California", etc. filed ~u~e 4 , 198~ in <br />Book ~ of Maps, at page5 q~ and qS ., Alameda Cqunty Records, said <br />point of beginning being also a point on the centerline of Stanley Boulevard <br />(formerly County Road No. 1530) distant theron SoUth 89° 43' 45" East 445.31 feet <br />from the point of intersection therewith the centerline of Santa Rita Road, <br />(formerly County Road No. 1533); running thence along said centerline of Stanley <br />Boulevard as shown on said map South 89° 43' 45" East 41.99 feet; thence North <br />0° 16' 15" East 33.00 feet; thence North 89° 43' 45" West 41.29 feet to a line <br />drawn North 1° 29' 15" East from the point of beginning; thence South i° 29' <br /> <br />15" West 33.01 feet to the point of beginning; <br /> <br />AND CONTAINING an area of 0.032 acre, more or less. <br /> ...... ................. <br /> <br /> <br />