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:, <br /> <br /> I'2X};iF. iT "A" <br /> <br /> i*'lh '3 ~l(i lfi-] <br /> <br /> ~:~'!'l :lil~ [urcc] d{!nut ~,l] as B-I and B-2 on the map en~it]ed <br /> W4v Acquisil ion l.];q~ ir.r lhc cornDiction of Del Valle <br /> and dJl ud .hmu 15, ]983 by DeLeuw, Cather & Co.. said <br />avajl,H,IP in the ]]el~artment of Public Works, City of <br />}']~as:n~loz,, AI.'mn.,b~ Cnunty, California, said parcel more particularly <br /> fir; f~] ] ~n..):;; <br /> <br /> F-.T%inninF ;d ;t pl,int eu the easterly line of that parcel conveyed <br />to lonu. s from ~luuilu~s by a deed filed in the official records of <br />Alanlt:,dl~ Cinlnty in F,~cl]~ 8~0~ at Page ]76, Series No. AL 78756, <br />said Ii-int bcii~,~ lh~! .~ou[hwusterly corner of that parcel condemned <br />by Am ~drH- Va] ll!y Jl:,inL: H~gh School District in that action filed <br />in the official rnc~rds of Alameda County on Reel 1761 at Image <br />271, ?,erj~s Na~ AY 56454, thence S 77°42'18'' E.591.13 feet, along <br />the southerly line of said condemned parcel and along the northerly <br />line rlf that p,~rlx'] conveyed to Si~nons by a deed filed in the <br />official records ef Alameda County in Book 7787 at Page 283, <br />Serie:~ No. AK 101~,]5, to ~ts point of intersection with a <br />1482. 685 foot r;~dius curve.. at a point from which the center <br />bears S 27°12'02'' E, sa~d 1482.685 foot radius curve being the <br />northwesterly r~ght-.of-way of the Western Pacific Railroad. (S 77° <br />42'18" E be~n~:% taken as the bearing of said northerly line for the <br />purpose of this description); <br /> <br /> Thence southwesterly, along said riEht-of-way, through a <br />c~ntr.~l arlg]u of 8'~36~14'', an arc length of 222.65 feet ~o a point <br />on said curve; <br /> <br /> Thence, ll:.av/n!~. said curve, N 43°06'31'' W, 22.15 feet, to the <br />point of curvature of a 400 foot radius curve to the left; <br /> <br /> Thence northwesterly. along said 400 foot radius curve. <br />through a central angle of 18°02'03'', an arc length of 125.90 <br />feet, to a point on the cnrve; <br /> <br /> Thence, leaving said 400 foot radius curve, N 23°00'45TM E, <br />lO.00 feet, to a po]nr on a 640 foot radius curve from which the <br />center bears S 23°00'45" W; <br /> <br /> Thence norrhv:csterly, along said 640 foot radius curve, through <br />acc, nrra] anT%]e of 5°12' 58''. an arc length of 58.26 feet, to a point <br />of t and:eric'/; <br /> <br /> TheHc,~ , t. anfiel~t t:o said <br />234 35 fc, er, to the easterly <br /> <br />640 foot radius curve, N 72°12'1Y' W, <br />line of said parcel conveyed to <br /> <br /> 'l'},,<'! . r'. {/l{)O"~/)'' }':, 4,'.~3 fP~t, a]on,Z .~;aid ensterly line, to <br /> <br /> This cunveyanuu is m~Kte for the purposes of a public highway and <br />the qrantor herel,y re]easels and relinquishes to the grantee all rights <br />,~f ~;~,,l~c;~s~ dnd c,~.~:~s, al~putt~'n,-~nt to grautor's remaining property, in <br />And uo said public h.iqhway, over and across those certain course's <br />dcs~:~itn~d ab<v, w{lh the ]cugtl]s of 22.15 feet, 125.90 feet:, 10.00 feet, <br />C~R,2L tt~crl:, nnd tht~ t~<,uth{~nster]y 149.35 feet of the course with a length <br />of 234.35 t~et.. <br /> <br /> <br />