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Table 2. General Fund Approved Changes and Recommended Additional <br />Ad'ustments <br />Transfers In <br />Transfers Out <br />Revenues <br />Ex •enditures <br />Net Change to Fund <br />Balance <br />A B <br />Mid -Term <br />FY 08 -09 Prior Year <br />Adjusted Budget Carryovers <br />(4,230,000) <br />C <br />City Council <br />Approved <br />Adjustments <br />D <br />Total <br />Approved <br />Changes <br />1,331,613 <br />(8,630,200) <br />95,828,484 <br />92 759 897 <br />32,344 <br />1 342 721 <br />(1,310,377) <br />46,000 <br />23 000 <br />1,331,613 <br />(8,630,200) <br />95,906,828 <br />94 125 618 <br />23,000 <br />(5,517,377) <br />E F <br />Approved <br />Mid -Year Mid -Year <br />Adjustments Budget <br />3,000,000 <br />(4,922,198) <br />4 429 198 <br />2,507,000 <br />1,331,613 <br />(5,630,200) <br />90,984,630 <br />89 696 420 <br />(3,010,377) <br />G <br />Recommended <br />3rd Quarter <br />Adjustments <br />9,368 <br />(390,652) <br />(1,001,570) <br />1 072 854 <br />(310,000) <br />R <br />FY 2008 -09 <br />Adjusted <br />Budget <br />1,340,981 <br />(6,020,852) <br />89,983,060 <br />88 623 566 <br />(3,320,377) <br />The recommended additional adjustments in column "G" are the budget changes <br />recommended at this time. The approved changes in columns "A" through "F" have <br />previously been approved by City Council. <br />The recommended changes to General Fund transfers, revenues, and expenditures <br />result in a net $310,000 decrease in fund balance and are summarized in Table 3 and <br />with added detail in Table 4. <br />Table 3. Summar of 3 Quarter ad'u <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />stments General Fund <br />General Fund <br />Beginning Balance <br />Revenues <br />Net Transfers <br />Expenditures <br />Net Income <br />Ending Balance <br />Mid -year <br />Budget <br />25,287,726 <br />90,984,630 <br />(4,298,587) <br />(89,696,420) <br />(3,010,377) <br />22,277,349 <br />3rd Qtr <br />Adjustments <br />(1,001,570) <br />(381,284) <br />1,072,854 <br />(310,000) <br />Amended <br />Budget <br />25,287,726 <br />89,983,060 <br />(4,679,871) <br />(88,623,566) <br />(3,320,377) <br />21,967,349 <br />Table 4. Summary of 3 Quarter adjustments General Fund <br />Transfers In <br />Close out Disaster Relief Fund <br />Transfers Out <br />Move Paratransit to Enterprise Fund <br />Revenues <br />OTS Traffic Grant <br />Donation <br />Increase to Interfund Charges <br />Move Paratransit to Enterprise Fund <br />Reduce Sales Tax Estimate <br />Expenditures <br />Retiree medical contribution above Livermore share <br />Move Paratransit to Enterprise Fund <br />OTS Traffic Grant <br />Reduce Contingency <br />Total Net Change <br />sub total <br />sub total <br />sub total <br />9,368 <br />(390,652) <br />31,000 <br />50 <br />121,064 <br />(201,506) <br />(952,178) <br />(350,000) <br />(667,352) <br />31,000 <br />(86,502) <br />(381,284) <br />(1,001,570) <br />(1,072,854) <br />(310,000) <br />