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Representatives of both the Union and the department <br />shall meet and amend the language of paragraph "3" above. <br />Th~ purpose of said amendment is to ensure employees, in <br />the officer ranks having remained at a particular fire <br />station for ~ period of three years, rotate among the other <br />fire stations. The amendment shall be agreed to prior to <br />the station bidding process scheduled to occur in <br />January 1985. <br /> <br />Section 7. Overtime <br /> <br />Employees who are required to work after completion of <br />their regular shift or are required to work to fill a <br />shift outside his/her regular duty shift shall be entitled <br />to overtime compensation for all hours so worked; provided, <br />however, that the overtime rate shall be computed at one <br />and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular rate <br />of pay in thirty (30) minute increments as follows: <br /> <br />One (1) minute through thirty (30) minutes, one-half <br />(1/2) hour's pay at the overtime rate; thirty-one (31) <br />minutes through sixty (60) minutes, one (1) hour's pay <br />at the overtime rate, sixty-one (61) minutes through <br />ninety (90) minutes, one and one-half (1-1/2) hour's <br />pay at the overtime rate, ninety-one (91) minutes <br />through one-hundred and twenty (120) minutes, two (2) <br />hour's pay at the overtime rate, etc. <br /> <br />Employees required to work outside his/her normal duty <br />shift in circumstances other than those described in <br />the paragraph above shall be compensated for all hours <br />so worked at an hourly rate computed by dividing his/her <br />monthly salary by one hundred seventy three and three <br />tenths (173.3) and multiplying the result by one and <br />one-half (1-1/2). If, however, an employee has completed <br />his/her regular shift and is called back to work (from <br />home) because of an emergency, he/she shall upon reporting <br />within a reasonable time after notification and commencing <br />with the time of notification receive not less than two (2) <br />hours overtime compensated at the overtime rate set forth <br />in this paragraph, provided however, that the maximum <br />amount of overtime for which an employee may be compensated <br />in any one (1) day shall be one and one-half (1-1/2) times <br />the employees regular rate of pay. <br /> <br />Section 8. Court Time <br /> <br />Employees who are required to report to work during their <br />off-duty time for the purpose of appearing in court shall <br />be compensated at the eight (8) hour overtime rate, pro- <br />vided that such compensation be no less than three (3) <br />hours for court appearances in the Livermore-Pleasanton <br />Judicial District and four (4) hours for court appearances <br />outside the Livermore-Pleasanton Judicial District. <br /> <br />-9- <br /> <br /> <br />