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~ w~ w s r~ o i u i i o w s <br />PV Project Revenues <br />Project re~~eiiues include stole and federal incentives end utilitc net metering credits. <br />STATE INCENTIVES <br />CALIFORNIA SOLAR 1NTIATIVF, (CSI) <br />Incentives from the CSI aec available to solar PA' projects ranging in installed capacia~ (kVA~ CI?C-.A(:)° <br />from l k\V~ nw ~ ~(\V~ Frith inccmiccs available for up ~u L ~I\V~ of installed cipacih. '1'oa dit(crcni <br />rvpcs of inccniiccs arc acailablc <br />• I?xpected Pertin~mance Based Bu~du~cn Q?PBB), ~ehich is based un expected peth~enuuuc and <br />pavs on Poker capacin: <br />• Performance Based Incentive (PBI) -rcyuired for systems Deer ~U 1:AC~ .AC -~rhidi is based un <br />the actual performance ut flu PV' scs~em aver a ~-ccar period fullu~~ing iusiallaiiuu and pars <br />on kV\ h produced. <br />Based uu the recunvneuded swum sizes foe the OSC (89 k\C) and \V~cll No. 8 (27~ kA\), the Citc <br />ovoid pursue the PBI track. <br />The CSI incentive pavnunt levels decrease over time as the program issues solar Pt' rescrvatium. .1s <br />of l~cbruarc 3, 3110), du• iuccuri~r is SU33/k\V'h for gorcmuxu~ and nun pcoGi cmiiics and <br />S033/k\C~h G>r conuuercial emities. IC the City were to engage in a private third-panv PP_A or leasing <br />arraugemem, the commercial iuccutice rate would apph~. "1'he expeciaiiuu is Thai the CSI ineemive gill <br />decrease by cork Spring 3009 with [he inanrive falling ro SU3C,/kV\ h for governnx~nt and non-profit <br />entities and 5U.1 ~/I:AV~h for commercial entities. 'hhis report assumes 5033/kV\ h inecntive Fur <br />Scenario 3 and S03°_/kVC~h incentive fnr Scenario 3. <br />S'hA'Ch. Uh:PRFCfA'hION <br />Udun~gh governnu•nr agencies and nonprofit organizations cannot directlc claim state depreciation <br />and iuresnnenr tax asdirs, the Cin- can engnge in financial arrangements in whid~ a privare third pane <br />enria~ claims the depreciation and passes the cost savings along ~u the Ciw (~rithin ;i PP.1 or leasing <br />arrangcmcn [). <br />l~he Calitornia corporate laz code allows ibr a twelve ccar straight line depreciation ou PV' eyuipusm <br />costa. I?ven though YV' ssrems have a life especruxv of Deer 35 ccaes, the entire scstem can be <br />depreciated iu avch~c gars using the straight line method ~~hich allows ft33 percent of the svacm cuss <br />[o be deducted each ccar ~<n- i~ech~c ve ~srs. St:uc depreciation kill apply io a priva~c third-pane owned <br />Pt" system under a YP:A or leasing arrangement This depreciation schedule is incorporated into the <br />auaksis under Scenario 3. <br />FEDERAL INCENTIVES <br />Whough guceruuum agencies and nonprofit orgauizaiiuus cannot direcik claim federal depreciation <br />and invesnnenr tax credits, the Cin~ can engage in financial arrangenunts in which a private d~ird-parn~ <br />emii~~ claims the iuccuiives and passes the cost saciu}~>` on to she Ciw (within s PP.1 or leasing <br />arrangcmcnQ. <br />I ~ A~ i.u in;- I'\ n i.ih r._ ~~i i'~i< < i~~.ii .r ~_i1. m~~ nn., urn=nni iLc ~~cii~ i .,gym nn~,i ~ Ilrt b c~~ I~~un I n o~ A~ <br />Ali At Ali I'li i.n,.~~(!r In:. n~rl ll r~.. IIn~..gin~rini l,i,~r.i6cu, ih, :niin PA „i, n{<~.~ii , <br />