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Commissioner Blank moved that the Planning Commission Chair orVice Chair <br />represent the Commission and its views behind its two high priority items at <br />the City Council work priority-setting session. <br />Commissioner Narum seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Blank, Fox, Narum, O'Connor, and Olson. <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />RECUSED: None. <br />ABSENT: Chair Pearce. <br />8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S REVIEWIACTION <br />a. Future Planning Calendar <br />Commissioner Narum inquired if the Commission would discuss the Planner's <br />Institute and Expo in Anaheim and who would attend. Acting Chair Olson and <br />Commissioners Fox, O'Connor, and Narum stated that they would not be attending. <br />b. Actions of the City Council <br />Mr. Dolan reported that the City Council took action on the Segundo appeal and <br />approved an amendment to the Planning Commission's decision, which facilitated <br />an agreement between the parties. He stated that the tank will be moved about <br />75 feet to behind the garage and that it will be paid for by the neighbor. <br />c. Actions of the Zoning Administrator <br />Commissioner Blank noted that a wireless appeal was continued at a past meeting <br />and inquired if this would be heard at the next meeting. Mr. Dolan replied that it <br />would. <br />9. COMMUNICATIONS <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />10. REFERRALS <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 28, 2009 Page 9 of 10 <br />