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counties, SUASI funding, the projected Public Safety Interoperable Communications <br />Grant (PSIC) funds and a Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services <br />(COPS) grant, the EBRCSA has obtained close to $34 million to build infrastructure. <br />The total infrastructure cost is projected at $68 million; over $33 million remains <br />unfunded. A request of $3 million in federal funds was submitted to assist with the <br />development of three repeater sites, a critical link between Alameda and Contra Costa <br />Counties. <br />2a. Transportation -Federal Purchase of Local Bonds <br />The recent economic crisis offers both opportunities and constraints. In California, state <br />dollars and the ability of local agencies to bond for transportation projects have become <br />constraints. An opportunity exists to stimulate the job market by expediting large <br />infrastructure projects. The federal government has the ability to make this possible <br />through a program to purchase state and local bonds for public infrastructure at <br />reasonable rates. Within this context, the Tri-Valley Cities are seeking federal support <br />to continue implementation of I-580 Corridor mobility projects, which include both <br />eastbound and westbound HOV improvements/expansions from Hacienda in <br />Pleasanton to Greenville Road in Livermore. <br />2b. SAFETEA-LU Reauthorization: BART Extension to Livermore <br />The current Federal transportation legislation (SAFETEA-LU) identifies BART to <br />Livermore as a potential New Starts project. The Tri-Valley supports retaining the New <br />Starts designation in the upcoming federal transportation reauthorization bill. A <br />programmatic environmental impact report is underway to study alignment alternatives <br />for an extension of BART to Livermore. The study includes multi-modal connections to <br />other transit services including Altamont Commuter Express and potentially future <br />higher-speed transit services. Pleasanton currently supports the I-580 alignment to <br />Greenville Road. <br />3. Housing -- Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center- Program to Purchase <br />and Rehabilitate Blighted Foreclosed Properties <br />Request: $3,000,000 <br />The Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC) was created in 2005 by the cities <br />of Livermore, Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon and Town of Danville, to act as a regional <br />one-stop-shop for housing information and resources for Tri-Valley residents. This <br />partnership was facilitated through the ongoing Congressional support of <br />Representatives McNerney and Tauscher, who recognize the need for housing <br />counseling education centers to assist low- and moderate-income households. <br />The Tri-Valley Cities requested $3 million on behalf of the Tri-Valley Housing <br />Opportunity Center to create a program to purchase and rehabilitate blighted forerlosed <br />properties, to revitalize neighborhoods and provide housing opportunities for first-time <br />low- and moderate-income homebuyers. <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />