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I <br />Page 2, February 3, 2009 <br />Honorable Jennifer Hostcrman, Mayor and City Council <br />Flog many plants existed in the 12-acres of occupied habitat in 1993? Unfortunately, without <br />plant count from 1993, the City cannot verify the adequacy of the mitigation using the highly <br />questionable plant count method of mitigation. How will the City be able to demonstrate that the <br />mitigation was truly successful? The California Environmental Qualit y Act "C QA" requires <br />mitigation for current conditions. The information in the EIR concerning the Arroyos Project <br />mitigation is speculative because there is no documentation to support the assertion that the <br />mitigation for the Arroyos Project was implemented. The City and County have been unable to <br />provide any documentation supporting their contention that the San Joaquin speacale <br />mitigation was implemented as claimed. <br />Page -103 of the Final EIF states "With respect to mitigation for losses of ""potential habitat," <br />impacts are considered significant for occupied habitat only, and were mitigated at an <br />approximate ratio of : L". There was nearer an analysis done of suitable or occupied habitat, so <br />how does the Final E l R make the determination that habitat was mitigated for at a ratio of :1 <br />[until surveys determine the amount of Sari Joaquin sp ar cak habitat on the site, the Ells cannot <br />determine appropriate mitigation measures. Once the habitat on the site is assessed and <br />quantified, then on- or off-site mitigation should occur at a minimum 1:1 mitigation ratio. <br />Without mitigation for San Joaquin spara.l+e, this project requires a Statement of Overriding <br />Consideration to cause take of this species or its suitable habitat. <br />teelhead Trout nc.•orhynchus ykiss <br />Central California Coast steelhead trout are listed as a threatened species under the Federal <br />Endangered Species Act. The Arroyo Mocho Widening/Arroyo Las Positas Realignment Project <br />included fish ladders specifically to address the issue of future steelhead migration through the <br />Arroyos. The Alameda Creek Fisheries restoration Workgroup Workgroup, which includes 1 <br />public agencies and non - profit organizations, has for the last ten }rears been working to return <br />steelhead to the Alameda Creek watershed. Over the past three }rears the Niles and Sunol darns <br />were removed, improving fish passage in the creek. Early in 2008 two steelhead were <br />transported past the BART weir in Fremont, and successfully spawned in Stonybrook Creek, a <br />tributary to Alameda Creek in Niles Canyon. Fish passage projects in the lower creep that will <br />allow steelhead to migrate upstream to Arroyo de [a Laguna are scheduled for construction by <br />2010. We expect that the efforts of the Workgroup will lead to fish passage into lower Arroyo de <br />la Laguna within two to three }rears. At that time steelhead trout may be able to reach the project <br />area without assistance. Ste the d trout should be included in the CEQA analysis for the project. <br />California Red -legged frog Rana aurora r r ytoni <br />The Eli acknowledges that the project arcs provides habitat for the California red - legged frog <br />rLF . Unfortunately here have been no CRLF surveys in the project area since 2002, prior to <br />construction of the Arroyos Project. The EIR argues that the project area has low duality habitat <br />``because of the presence of exotic predators,' but there have been no surreys since the Arroyos <br />Project to support this statement. If invasive predators are removed from the creek and suitable <br />upland habitat is available, the red - legged frog could again occupy this arcs. The mitigation <br />measures should irwlude removal of non - nature predators from the creeks, and maintenance of <br />adjacent upland habitat. Removal of non - nature predators would also benefit steelhead when <br />they return to the Arroyos. The Eli does not discuss the mitigation for upland habitats if CRLF <br />are found in the creeks adjacent to the project site. <br />