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generates significantly more traffic than the Ice Center Alternative at roughly 1.3 times more traffic <br />during the AM and PM peak hours and 1.5 times as many total daily trips. (Id.) <br />If the freeway and arterial impacts of the Existing Specific Plan Alternative are less <br />than significant and the Existing Specific Plan Alternative assumes the Concurrent Extension and <br />generates significanty more traffic than the Project and the Ice Center Alternative, it follows that the <br />freeway and arterial impacts of the Project and the Ice Center Alremative with the Concurrent <br />Extension will also be less than significant because they generate significantly less traffic. As such, <br />while the Concurrent Exrension will result in an unacceptable level of service at the Stoneridge Drive <br />East of Santa Rita Road segment, this impact has already been assumed in the Draft EIR's analysis of <br />the freeway and arterial impacts of the Existiug Specific Plan Alternative, which concluded that such <br />changes in levels of service are less than significant because they have already been anticipated in the <br />planning documents of the Alameda County Congestion Management Authority. <br />The above demonstrates chat revising the Project to include the Concurrent <br />Extension would not require recirculation because this revision would not result in new significant <br />transportation impacts or intensify the severity of transportation impacts beyond [hose disclosed and <br />assessed in the Draft EIR. <br />D. .Signalization. <br />The Draft EIR and Final EIR state tha[ certain opera ion and safety improvements <br />will be necessary to accommodace full extension of Stoneridge Drive, although the Final EIR <br />indicates that they are independent of the project. These improvements include Signalization of <br />several intersections along Stoneridge Drive. (Draft EIR, page 3.9-1; Final EIR, page 3-24.) CEQA <br />allows the addition of such mitigation measures without requiring recirculation, provided they do <br />not result in new significant effects and are not rejected by the Ciry upon certification. (CEQA <br />Guidelines g 15088.5(a)(1), (3).) <br />For [he reasons stated above, the Concurrent Extension under the Project or the Ice <br />Center Alternative therefore poses no new significant transportation impacts or substantial increases <br />in the severity of such impacts beyond those identified in the Draft EIR. <br />3.10 Water Suvvly <br />The Project will generate the same water demand with the Concurrent Extension as <br />with the Deferred Extension because the Project's uses are the same under either scenario. The <br />Concurrent Extension therefore will not pose any new significant water supply impacts or <br />substantially increase the severity of a water supply impact beyond what is idemified in the Draft <br />EIR. <br />~sasi~ia~ost~= <br />