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readers to the Staples Ranch Traflc Report for more detail regarding the potential impacts of the <br />Concurrent Extension under both the Project and the Ice Center Alternative. <br />(ii) Concurrent Extension Impact Number 2 <br />In the second instance, and again with regard to both the Project and the Ice Center <br />Alternative, the Concurrent Extension would generate traffic which would contribute to an <br />unacceptable level of service at an inrersection that would have an acceptable level of service under <br />the Deferred Extension (Intersection No. 32 in the AM and PM peak hour). The Draft EIR <br />identifies this impact as a significant impact of the Concurrent Extension under the Existing Specific <br />Plan Alternative (which, Like the revised project, assumes the Concurrent Extension), and states that <br />the Staples Ranch Traffic Report identifies mitigation measures that would render the impact less <br />than significant. (See, Draft EIR, pp. 5-17 to 5-20, referencing the Staples Ranch Traffic Report for <br />the mitigation measures required to reduce the impact to a less than significant level, which are <br />specified in Tahles 35 and 37 of the Staples Ranch Traffic Report.) This impact therefore does not <br />constitute a "new significant impact' because the impact and its requisite mitigation measure have <br />already been identified in the Draft EIR. <br />B. Impact TR-2. Intersections nat within !'Leasanton. <br />(i) Additional Dublin Intersections <br />The Staples Ranch Traffic Report demonstrates that impacts to additional City of <br />Dublin intersections would be less than significant under the Deferred Extension and the <br />Concurrent Extension. (Staples Kanch 1 raffic Report, page 57). The Concurrent Extension <br />[herefore does not result in a new significam impact. <br />(ii) Concurrent Extension Impact Number 3 <br />The Final EIR indicates that the Concurrent Extension would not alter the level of <br />service rating of any intersections within the City of Livermore (Final EIR, pages 3-22, 3-23). <br />However, based on new information supplied in the Final EIR, the City has disclosed that the <br />Concurrent Extension will result in increased delays at Intersection No. 13 under the AM and PM <br />peak hour for the Project upon full buildout of the El Charro Specific Plan. (Final EIR page 3-22, <br />3-23, Response to Comment 3.2). The Staples Ranch Traffic Report draws the same conclusion <br />with regard to conditions under the Ice Center Alternative. (See, Staples Ranch Traffic Report, <br />Table 40). <br />As stated in the Final EIR, the same mitigation measure tha[ applies under the <br />Deferred Extension, TR-2.2, would mitigate the delays resulting from the Concurrent Extension. <br />(Final EIR, page 3-22). As with the Deferred Extension, these impacu would remain significam and <br />unavoidable. Because the impact is the same under both the Concurrem Extension and the <br />Deferred Extension, the Concurrent Extension does not constitute a "new significant impact". <br />In addition, the Draft EIR indicates that the Ice Center Alternative would <br />significantly impact Imerseuiun 13 at the cumulative level (Draft EIR, pages 5-37 and>-38.) <br />Under the Ice Center .tllternative the Concurrent Extension therefore would result in an increase in <br />the intensity of an impact at an earlier date than the Draft EIR anticipared with the Deferred <br />N4 R~I2%954v5 <br />