2008-09 OPERATING BUDGET Appendix A
<br />F.STiMATF,D CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Midterm Amendments)
<br />JUNE l0, 2008
<br />NET
<br />NET
<br />JUNE J0, E009
<br />GENERAL FUND $1,620,838 $4,487,738 $1,298,013 $2,029,725 $1,160,000 $460,838
<br />Storm Drain $33,990 2,720) 10,561 5,590 2,251 36,241
<br />Golf Cowse Operations $855,753 78,133 164,697 86,564 769,189
<br />Cemetery Operations $63,793 1,000 1,000 64,793
<br />Water O era[ions and Maintenance $252,053 122,832 57,236 263,139 197,543 54,510
<br />Sewer Operations and Maintenance $19,372 11,430 26,965 (99,539 115,074 134,446
<br />Enterprise Funds $720,855 $57,849 $94,762 $192,391) $229,304 $950,159
<br />Employee Benefit Fund $535,385 (261,575) (1,392,775) (61,575) (1,592,775) (1,057,390)
<br />LPFD Replacement Fund $57,710 12,000 66,400 78,400 20,690
<br />Public Art Acquisition Fund $93,133 40,000 40,000 53,133
<br />Public Art Maintenance Fund $1,154 10,000 10,000 8,846
<br />Vehicle Replacement Fwd $286,742 (147,395 146,000 (1,395 285,347
<br />E ui men[ Replacement Fund $1,718,789 214,731 974,029 759,298 959,491
<br />Facilities Renovation Fwd $485,101 40,000 85,600 125,600 610,701
<br />IT Replacement Fund $248,529 (374,081 82,101 (456,182 704,711
<br />Pleas Fire Apparatus Replacement Fund $20,927) 65,755 65,755 86,682
<br />Police Vehicle Replacement Fund $429,344 (30,000 131,000 101,000 530,344
<br />Park & Median Renovation Fund $82,761 100,000) 100,000 17,239
<br />Street Light Replacement Fund $26,739 (190,000 220,000 (410,000) 383,261
<br />Traffic Signal Replacement Fund $72,747 10,000 (300,000) 290,0(10 362,747
<br />LPFD Retvees Medical Reserve Fund $7,213 350,000 350,000 342,78
<br />Workers Com ensa[ion Fund $358,926 0 358,926
<br />Self-Insurance Retention Fund $198,735 530,000 530,(p0 728,735)
<br />LPFD Workers Comp Fund $458,856 15,000 15,000 443,856
<br />Retvees Medical Reserve Fund $297,698 0 297,698
<br />Internal Service Funds $3,473,905 ($1,961,075 $1,392,775) $789,555 ($4,143,405 $669,500)
<br />DARE Fund ($6,218 400) (400) 8,618
<br />Asset Forfeitwe Fund $19,200 0 19,200
<br />Downtown Parking Fund $31,413 0 31,413
<br />Recycling & Waste Mgmt. Fund $7,039 6,[100 6,000 13,039
<br />Senior Cen[w Donations Fwd $2,(q0 0 (2,000
<br />Miscellaneous Donations Fund $20,974 10,000 (10,000 10,974
<br />Youth Master Plan Fund $689 0 689
<br />Downtown Economic Dever Loan Fund $1,045 0 1,045
<br />Lower Income Housin Fund $195,898 (75,000 309,130 (384,130 580,028
<br />Ridgeview Mortgage Fund $4,704 0 4,704
<br />Livermore-Pleas Fire Department Fund $0 1,270,102 1,270,102 0 0
<br />Used Oil Gran[ Fund ($3,876 0 3,876
<br />Law Enforcement Fund $0 0 0
<br />Misc. Federal Block Grant Fund $tl 0 0
<br />Lemoine Geologic Hazard District
<br />Laurel Creek Geolo is Hazard Disnict $5,079
<br />$18,140
<br />48 100
<br />837 100
<br />789 4,979
<br />17,351
<br />Ponderosa Landscape District $6,423 0 6,423
<br />Windsor Landsca a District $4,728 0 4,728
<br />Moller Geologic Hazard District $4,787 7 100 93 4,694
<br />Oak Tree Farm Geologic Hazard District
<br />Bonde Landscape District
<br />Moller Ranch Landsca a District $3,679
<br />$1,301
<br />$22,151 18 100 82
<br />0
<br />0 3,597
<br />1,301
<br />22,151
<br />Ridgeview Commons Housing Fund $598 0 598
<br />Oak Tree Farm Landscape District $5,862 0 5,862
<br />Community Develop Block Grant Fund $40 2,183 2,183 2,223
<br />HOME Program Fund
<br />HBPOA Maintenance District Fund
<br />Abandoned Vehicle Fund $0
<br />$10,000
<br />$4,323 33 337
<br />0
<br />0 337
<br />10,000
<br />4,323
<br />Urban Forestry Fund $39,904 0 39,904
<br />Library Donations Fund $8,531 0 8,531
<br />Special Revenue Funds $10,618 $1,200,775 $0 $1,587,849 ($387,074 $376,456)
<br />2003 & 2004 Certificates of Participation $15,041 0 15,041
<br />PTC WD #3 Trust Fund $24,542 0 24,542
<br />Other Funds $9,501 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,501
<br />TOTAL -ALL FUNDS $5,835,717 $5,305,88 $0 $155,288 $5,461,175 $374,542
<br />A- I
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