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The 1. rety contract shall incl~ an express waiver <br />of tae security provider's ability to escape from tile <br />City's use of the security to undertake to construct <br />the public improvements secured if construction of <br />the public improvements has net commenced within the <br />one year time period. <br /> <br /> One bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the total estimated <br />cost of the work for each stage of development, conditioned upon <br />faithful performance of this agreement, and one bond in the amount <br />of 100% of the total estimated cost of the work for each stage of <br />development shall secur_e payment for labor and materials. <br /> <br /> Co&st or instru, meP,-.~s of cred_{k shall b,:_' :Lt: {~n amount no'h less <br />r.han 100% of the total estimated cost of imprc~ernents which is as <br />follows: <br /> <br />$ q65,000.OO <br /> <br /> ~:~ fn:r{vrni_ of breach l~.y Subdivider, City may take over'-the work <br />~r-,'~ [:~r,~scute t:he same to completion by any method the City deems <br />ad~.~is,:ibie. Said work shall be for the account and at the expense <br />of the Subdivider. S~bdivider shall be liable to the City for any <br />excess costs or damages suffered by the City. <br /> <br /> 8. Financing. In the event City and Subdivider enter a con- <br />tract upon mutually agreeable terms providing an appropriate special <br />assessment act for financing and improvement cf streets and easements. <br />the City may consent to the following: <br /> <br />The inclusion of this tract and other lands within <br />said contracts, and <br /> <br />the release of improvement security as defined <br />in Section 66499 of the Government Code, where <br />the assessment contract has filed surety bonds <br />for said improvements. <br /> <br /> 9. Defects. Subdivider shall be liable for defects in workman- <br />shLp and materials on all of the above described improvements for a <br />period of one (1) year after acceptance and as security for liability <br />against such defects, Subdivider shall file improvement or maintenance <br />security with the City Clerk, of a type approved by the City Attorney, <br />in the amc'nn~t of 10% of the 'ko~:al estimated cos{: set forth above. <br /> <br /> 10. Worker~s Compensa. tion. Before comaencing work under this <br />.~:o~'~tract, Subdivider shall take out and maintain during the course of <br />this dg're::ment~ suclx worker's compensation insurance as required by <br />the laws of the State of California. If i:he Acting General Contractor <br />~s not t:he Subdivider, then the General Contractor will provide the <br />City with {-he ::aid certificate of worker~s compensation insurance <br />i'}rior to 5tart of construction. On failing to do so, the City may <br />procure such insur'ance for the Subdivider and the Subdivider shall <br />[:,ay the cost~ <br /> <br /> .!t,. Hold Harmless Agreement. Subdivider hereby agrees to, and <br />5'hs, l l hcl<] City, '{ts elective lind Boards, Commissions, <br />~'~fficc. rs, agenk?-, nnd employees, harmless from any liability for deunage <br />or claims for damage for personal injury, including death, as well <br />,.~s from cict Lms frcm property damage which may arise :from Subdivider's <br />~ o~.'L.~nc t.o'& :};; svbcontractors ~ ~ agents ' or empl.z,yees ' operation under <br />· ,'~[f;- agx'~:{l;'ne::L~ whether such operations be by Su!;di. vider or by any of <br />5.~qk_}aiyli_derlJ_.contKactors. subcontractors~ or bv any one or more per- <br /> <br /> <br />