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~" EXH] BIT <br /> <br /> 5. The'COunty of Los Angeles shall be r.esponsible for the physical <br /> custody of CounEy of Alameda prlsoners beginning when the prisoners, <br /> their prope~)' and their n~essa~ pa~rwork have been accepted from <br /> 'the arresting law enforcement' agency by County of Los Angeles Sheriff's <br /> Dg~nment transportation personnel. <br /> 6.- County of Los Angeles hereby reserves the right to refuse [o transpor <br /> any ill or injured Counfy of Ale meda prisoner_ S~h ill or injured prison- <br /> er me)' be transported by the-County of Los Angeles, but only upon <br /> clearSnee for such a trip ~ a medical d~tor, which shall be in writing, <br /> signed by the authorizing _medical d~tor. Coun~ of Uos 6nge]es further <br /> rescues th'e right to refuse to lra nspoa any .prisoner due to space <br /> limirati0ns on transpoa vehicles or in consideration of overnight <br /> scc0mm~ations en route to Counq of Ala mFda or en route to Coufity <br /> Los Angdes. If Coun~ of Los Angeles refuses to transport ~ prisoner, <br /> it shall imPerils[ely noti~ the requesting Coun~ of Alameda age~y, <br /> CL~, of this fact,' and the reason therefor, <br /> ' 7- C0un~ of Los Aggeles will only transpog male juvenile prisoners <br /> <br /> years of age or older. ' Female prisoners will only be transposed <br /> ~ounty of Los Angel es Sberiff's '~pa rt men~ aim raft. <br /> 8. Coun~ of Los Angeles, upon accepting County of Alameda prisoners <br /> for transpo~stion, shall be res~nsible for the prisoners' sak~eeping <br /> wbBe transposing them, 3n~ the tinsel), and pubrue] delive~ of <br /> prisoners to jail facilit]es 6esignafed by the County of Alameda. <br /> <br /> there be an2· ~Isy in said deliveq, Coun~ of Los Angeles shall i a <br /> ]y notify'the agent) ,f the County of Ale meals requestigg transponati0n, <br /> via CLE~, of the dcjay, tl~e rcason therefor, and the exited delivcq <br /> _ date. <br /> <br />IN 3 - <br /> <br /> <br />