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INITIATNE MEASURE TO BE <br />SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE yOTERS <br />P ~~~ ~A~ey has pn the followinO title and summary d the chief <br />Po P~aed IniUaflve Measun:. <br />Tn7.E <br />AN INITIATNE MEASURE AMENDING THE <br />PLEASASNTON GENERAL PLAN TO ADD <br />PROHIBIT PLACIP NpCj EOU81N~ UN1TS <br />ON PROPERTIESDWfl'H SLOPES GREATER <br />OR ON PROPERTIES WITHIN 100 VER THAN 2ti9i <br />EXCEPT FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS O~jO OR FEyyER HOUg1ENp N1TS <br />TO DEFINE "HOUSING UNIT' FOR PURPOSE8 <br />OF DETERMINING THE GENERAL PLAN "HOUSING CAP" <br />SUMMARY <br />Every cNy in CalKomia is requirod to have a "General Plan.' A General Plan !s the city's bask, <br />but most important, plannlnO document, It provides a roadm <br />community's development such as k~ use aP for aN aspects d a <br />ambodted In the varlow elements d the ~ ~~' housing and open apace whkh aro <br />conelatsrrt with the dty'e ad Q°n°~ Plan. All land use aPProvab must be <br />opted General Plan. <br />Each element In a General Plan seta forth broad Owls and polky atatemenb Intended to <br />Pmvids Ouida~~rK Id ands n~tiie~ makers and planners conceminO tonO terra plena for the <br />Physkal de city and in its planninO area. <br />In the Land Use elsrnsrrt d tM City d PlsesarrMn~s General p~ la a (~ ~ ~~ a~ <br />malMatn a complete and weN rounded cornmunily d deskabla nsiOhborhooda, a strorp <br />~Pk~nt base, and a variety d oornmunity f~ry~.• Under that Goal are a number d <br />polkles intended to implement that Goal. Some d those polkies apn~ Opp SPsw. <br />One of the Open Space pontes concerns scenk hillside and r1dOe vletiva, The poNry P~idss <br />`Preserve acenk hilNlde and -tdga views d tits Pleasanlorr, Main arM Southeast Htlh ridge.' <br />polky ooncemirp bSp~ ~' would amend the Ctya General Plan by addkp a new <br />vertical feat d a rWOetins, this new ~ with slopes groater than 25% or witiNn 100 <br />Prohibit tad to construct rosiderrtW as W°uld prohibN the Pfocerrrent d howfnO uni4 and <br />9 ~ oorrMnan;tr struchues. Exam <br />housing develoPr-~enb d 10 or fewer units if the ~ occurs qr~ 1Forrr thin poUcy are <br />January 1, 2007. was a 'legal Parcel.' This new polky also P~ ar d <br />January f. 2007 shalt not be wbdMdsd to app~,s nwn then 10 housinO units. <br />