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P~OGP, A;.! SUPPLE:'~,::~T ;.]O. q3 DIS'r. zL_Z Ala-0-P1 e <br /> <br /> TO <br /> P~OJ~C~ NO. MG-3072 ( 95 ) <br /> <br /> FOR FSD.'ER.,'~L-'AIE> PFIO.INC3S M~3. 04- ] 01 DA-rE:OctOber 22, 1985 <br /> <br /> 'l'hi~ Prnqva,~ SuppIrN'nont is herc~by incorpor~.led into the Local Agency-State Agreenzent <br /> for Fecl,~ :'l-../,~d v~hich was entsrad into betv:aen the LOCAL. AGENCY and tt~,3 STATE on <br /> Ar~c~ ')'~ '1 '} 'Z T,.~,:~ is subj>ct to all th-~ ~ern'~s ~r, ct conditions thereof. This Program <br /> <br /> Et~ Qp e~n~>rt i.; :;~:~o':;~.c:d in accordance wi~h P~ragraph 2 of ArticI~ II of th~ a[or~rnention~d <br /> <br /> M~st,~r Agra.>,-} .... 7 ur~d3r authority of F]~.soJ~E,.n No. appr.oved by the <br /> <br />'F;-:=, L:~cal A;]?r'::y ;,.~h--' x{~:-. ~?.~t~; that as a ccn.'~iHc, n to payment of funjs ob~Ev~atad to this projr~ct, <br />:;;'~'i.~24CT LOCA'E~Or-~: in ~:h<.~ City of Pl. eas::,.nton, Alameda C..:,ur~y, on <br /> <br />;--m r'---f <br />KL_J C¢:X;,'iiTP~'..C'rf. ':::;! ~EZ-X~,~ :..:.-Z>~tFZ~ ~ C~KrF?~UCY~ OH <br /> <br />TOTAL ESTthiA~-_:'D COS'F FEDERAL FU~,~L:~S MATCHING FUNDS <br /> <br /> LCCAL: OTI.tEFI: .... OTHER: .... O1'~ iErI: ...... <br /> $225,000 $225,000 -0 .... <br /> <br /> ' _,,; c 'p 1: . <br /> .... ~.L'L.,__.O_ ........ ..'" "'?,/IN STAT-T (,,F <br /> LO:3':'!' "~ 1;~i?;7 DEPA~T;tiEi'i'F :iF <br /> <br /> <br />