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PC 042308
City of Pleasanton
PC 042308
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11/26/2008 1:53:26 PM
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PC 042308
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removed, although residents of Second Street did not want it removed. The City agreed to the <br />request. He stated that he wished to clarify that all parking was on-site and that they did not <br />support aone-story restriction. He noted that there were two-story homes on First and Second <br />Streets, on 50-foot by 100-foot lots, except the corner lots, and that they were approximately the <br />same size as the subject sites. He noted that they had no plans to expand on the site at this time. <br />He requested that the Planning Commission ask the owners of the adj acent lot if it would be <br />acceptable to build out in aone-story fashion with the same setbacks that they must adhere to on <br />their lot. He noted that the house at 216 Kottinger Drive had been expanded to the maximum <br />one-story footprint with nearly zero setback, which explained the one-story restriction at that <br />time to him. He noted that all of the windows were one foot off the fenceline and that they <br />looked into his property. He added that the tree touched the gutter and cantilevered over his <br />property. He noted that they were prepared to work with the City and the neighbors. He noted <br />that there were no restrictions on two-story construction on Downtown lots and that every <br />applicant must work through the process with respect to screening, setbacks, dormers, and <br />heights. He added that he believed it was still appropriate to allow a second story in order to <br />maintain greater setbacks between the properties. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired what kind of maximum building height would exist if there were to <br />be a hypothetical one-story restriction. Ms. Decker replied that the maximum height would be <br />between 22 and 25 feet in ridge height. She noted that there were many examples within the <br />City, with some single-story residences taller than that. <br />Chair Blank stated that he would like to fix the sprinkler language and that he did not feel <br />comfortable imposing aone-story restriction at this time. He noted that maybe addressed at the <br />design review stage and that a public hearing would be ensured. He suggested that in the future, <br />there may be more tolerance for an attractive two-story home or that the neighbors would never <br />want atwo-story home. He did not wish to limit it to one-story, which may handcuff a future <br />Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that when taller buildings in Downtown were being considered, the <br />Commission requested a visual of the streetscape. She added that in this instance, a streetscape <br />was not available. <br />Chair Blank stated that he believed that would be displayed in a design review. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that if the Planning Commission were to theoretically restrict the <br />homes to asingle-story building height, the applicants could return with a PUD modification and <br />a design review to give the public an opportunity to examine it. <br />Ms. Decker clarified that the Planning Commission was not taking action but was making a <br />recommendation to the City Council. The Commission's recommendation may vary from staff's <br />recommendation, and its recommendation would be described and discussed within the staff <br />report to the City Council and would be considered then. With respect to the issue of a PUD <br />modification, she noted that anyone within a PUD may apply for a modification. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, April 23, 2008 Page 9 of 28 <br />
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