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Mr. Hodnefield noted that he needed the ability to manage his own parking lot and to <br />adequately and appropriately give parking to people who have paid for it. <br />Commissioner Olson believed that approach made sense. <br />Jack Balch noted that his company owned the buildings directly adjacent to the <br />appellant's building and added that he did not have the same parking issues with his <br />tenants. He noted that he did not mark their parking spots, although he had considered it <br />and was looking into posting signs for parking spots. He was concerned that the <br />amended trellis as proposed by staff would provide a security breach to the roof of his <br />building. He inquired as to the setback of that trellis and was concerned about the current <br />thefts of copper and other items from rooftops. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Chair Blank believed the issue went further than people taking the appellants' tenants' <br />parking spots and understood the desire to have a covered parking spot out of the heat of <br />the sun. He suggested modifying the conditions so that the security for the adjacent roof <br />would be assured. He did not have any problems with the appellant's proposal since he <br />owned the building, including marking parking spaces. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed with Chair Blank's comments, particularly since the <br />appellant owned the building. She agreed that there should be a setback from the trellis <br />as it related to the adj acent building. <br />Ms. Decker noted that any arrangement should involve the Planning Director or his <br />designees to ensure that the design and setbacks were appropriate. <br />Chair Blank suggested that the appellant be directed to work with the Planning Director <br />to come up with a mutually acceptable design. <br />Ms. Decker noted that staff would ensure that the setback between the buildings are <br />appropriate. <br />Commissioner Pearce moved to uphold the appeal PAP-114, subject to the <br />conditions of approval in Exhibit B as modified by staff, with the deletion of <br />Condition No. 9 prohibiting the applicant from reserving the parking spaces for <br />specific tenants and the addition of a condition that the appellant work with staff to <br />ensure that the construction of the carport does not affect the security of the <br />neighboring property. <br />Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 40 of 42 <br />