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Mark Preisendorf spoke in support of this project and noted that he worked several units <br />down from the subject site. He noted that by the time he left at five, he was the last car <br />out; that was normally before Mr. Pfund arrived. He noted that the entire parking lot was <br />open and that he was welcome to use their parking spaces. He did not know Mr. Pfund <br />personally but believed that he was a good neighbor. <br />Gerald E. Hodnefield noted that he owned the building next door to the subject site. He <br />did not have any particular problems with the applicant or the use. He expressed concern <br />about the overall parking situation at the site but noted that if most of the students came <br />after hours, he did not anticipate a maj or problem except that some tenants work until <br />6:00 p.m. He said that martial arts, gymnastics, and dance studios cause parking <br />problems and that there is already a parking problem next door. He indicated that these <br />business plans change and these businesses have recitals during business hours which <br />cause significant parking problems. He expressed concern about potential events held <br />during normal business hours and inquired how he should address any parking problems <br />on his site. <br />Cherie Francois spoke in support of this project and noted that her five-year-old son <br />attended the martial arts classes. She recalled that at the beginning of his enrollment, <br />Mr. Pfund made it clear that the academy was a martial arts program and not a daycare. <br />She and her husband investigated the site and the academy very carefully and were <br />satisfied that it would be a good place for their son. Regarding children leaving the <br />facility, she noted that her son had participated in other programs such as camps ad <br />gymnastics where he had to be signed out and that he was familiar and compliant with the <br />routine of waiting to be picked up. She noted that her son became more self-confident, <br />respectful, and physically stronger as a result of the program and that it was a very <br />positive environment for him. She noted that there was no parking problem at the site <br />and no traffic on the streets. <br />Scott Handelman noted that he was an attorney and has represented Mr. Pfund before. <br />He realized that the issue of daycare and children and State licensing had become a <br />significant one for the Planning Commission and that it was largely a matter of <br />semantics. He indicated it was an issue of choice. He realized that the Planning <br />Commission retained the authority to grant or deny the use permit and noted that it was <br />really the parents' choice to make this decision to bring their children to this academy. <br />He had been impressed by the testimony in favor of the applicant and believed the real <br />issue was whether the parents could make this choice for their own children, like a lot of <br />things in our country which are based on individual choice. He indicated that <br />Mr. Pfund's program is outside what we are used to because we need an appellation of a <br />daycare and it should be a daycare; however, that is not the real issue, which is whether <br />the parents can make this choice for their children. He believed the parents had <br />demonstrated that they had already made the choice to bring their children to the facility <br />and believed it was a disservice to the community to disallow that choice. He noted that <br />the zoning permit had been originally granted to the applicant, which he relied upon to <br />his detriment. Mr. Pfund had entered into athree-year lease at a very significant rental <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 30 of 42 <br />