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2004. He believed it seemed incongruous that the applicant was willing to work with the <br />City but that it seemed his experience in Dublin was not as successful, based on the City <br />of Dublin's perspective. <br />Mr. Pfund noted that the items mentioned in the letters, such as pistols, were used for <br />martial arts. He noted that he kept personal products and clothing on hand because he <br />spent most of the day and evening in the studio so he could change into clean clothes <br />after the business day. He noted that the shower was installed with permits by his <br />landlord. He noted that with respect to flammable materials and exposed wires, he had <br />had an incident the week before the City planner came out; he had turned his furnace on, <br />which resulted in a loud gunshot-like "pop" noise. He subsequently had the Fire <br />Department come out to inspect it and used the paint buckets to climb into the roof area <br />to fix the problem; the Fire Chief subsequently told him that everything was fine. Later <br />on, the Building Inspector examined the building and found that the paint and exposed <br />wires on the roof, which were out of his sight, needed to be fixed. He noted that he <br />worked with the Building Inspector on that issue. With respect to the suspended ceiling <br />and the rope, he indicated he had a rope hanging down from his ceiling. He noted that he <br />was informed by the Code Enforcement Officer that he was not able to leave the rope in <br />that area; he work expediently to correct that matter as well. He noted that he was issued <br />a follow-up letter, clearing him from each of the violations. He added that his facility had <br />been closed due to the fire hazards and that he worked with the Building Inspector to <br />promptly resolve the issues. <br />Chair Blank asked if the City of Dublin closed Mr. Pfund's studio. Mr. Pfund responded <br />that it did and that he had to work with the Building Inspector to resolve the issues to <br />re-open it promptly. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding the February 13th and <br />February 25th follow-up City of Dublin letter and other zoning violations noted regarding <br />hours of operations of youth programs on weekends, not in accordance with the <br />conditions of approval, Mr. Pfund replied that he and his landlord were still working with <br />the City of Dublin at that time to correct the wiring issues. Commissioner Fox referenced <br />a letter sent by Dean R. Baxley, Dublin Code Enforcement Officer, regarding <br />maintenance issues. With respect to the trash issues as well as the hours of operations <br />and youth programs occurring on weekends, Mr. Pfund replied that while his facility was <br />closed, the garbage accumulated. He noted that he had taken care of those issues. <br />Mr. Pfund indicated that with respect to the youth programs on the weekends, that did not <br />apply to him but to his co-tenant. He noted that while the Fire Chief was working with <br />him, he did not make any mention of the items later cited by the Building Inspector. He <br />emphasized that he worked with the Building Inspector to correct the conditions as <br />quickly as he could. With respect to the conditional use permit, the City of Dublin had <br />lost his conditional use permit paperwork; he was required to reapply after being open for <br />five years for a new conditional use permit, which he was granted. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that according to her conversations with the City of Dublin, <br />they indicate that the business had moved physical locations. They indicated that starting <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 25 of 42 <br />