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and go as they please. If they do, they are subject to daycare licensing because they <br />provide care and supervision. <br />Mr. Pfund noted that in his research of similar businesses, he learned that the Planning <br />Commission added a condition to these types of businesses that required them to have <br />sign-out sheets for children under 12 and for the parents to escort them from the <br />academy. He learned in his own research that was the norm and referred to a Kung Fu <br />studio near the Stoneridge Drive Courthouse. He noted that his business was slightly <br />different in that there was a condition that the parents sign them in and out and escort the <br />them into and out of the academy. In his proposed business, the difference is that he <br />takes the responsibility to escort the children into his academy. He noted that his hands <br />were tied regarding whether a child can come and go, as is every other similar business; <br />he indicated that Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts as well as swim centers and learning centers <br />were not in the business of providing care and supervision. He emphasized that he took <br />the greatest care for the safety of the children and noted that the parking lot was generally <br />empty in the late afternoon/evening hours. <br />Mr. Pfund indicated that liability to the City is an important issue. He noted that he had <br />taken steps to add the City of Pleasanton as an additional insured member on his <br />$3 million liability insurance policy. He noted that he took his responsibility as a Sensei <br />very seriously and worked to instill positive traits in his students to allow them to succeed <br />throughout their lives. He added that the values instilled in the children during the <br />classes and what they will learn in his program will keep the children away from drugs <br />and gang violence. He added that the strenuous workouts kept the children on the road to <br />physical fitness, avoiding obesity. He indicated that the same traits for the City of <br />Pleasanton are the same character traits he passes onto the City's children and that they <br />will become pillars of the community. <br />Commissioner Pearce indicated she was familiar with many of the businesses in the list <br />of 20 businesses he had called. In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Pearce <br />regarding whether he had asked the other facilities if the children were there more than <br />16 hours per week, Mr. Pfund replied that he did not ask that question. He noted that his <br />interpretation of the items in the Health and Safety Code did not apply to him if he did <br />not provide care and supervision to his children and that the hours and structured <br />programs would not apply. He said he would not need a license so nothing else in the <br />Health and Safety Code applies. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding whether he ever left the <br />children unattended because he has stated that he did not provide care and supervision, <br />Mr. Pfund replied that he never left any child unattended and left the site. He indicated <br />that was because he teaches martial arts and martial arts activities, but he does not <br />provide care and supervision. <br />Commissioner Fox asked if Mr. Pfund always remained on-site at the facility. Mr. Pfund <br />indicated that he did not always remain on-site but that when he left, he took all the <br />children with him. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 23 of 42 <br />