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being assumed, which is why there is the impact of significantly higher congestion <br />levels. She added that improvements to intersections could be made in order to <br />achieve Level of Service (LOS) D, but they must be mindful of retaining wide <br />sidewalks, shade trees, sidewalk dining, etc., and may require landscaping, removal <br />of crosswalks, and/or street widening. <br />Ms. Stern stated that the second impact was air quality as regards consistency with <br />the 2005 ozone strategy and that it is important to note that this impact is related to <br />assumptions that were contained in that strategy related to the number of housing <br />units and the number of jobs. She pointed out that this is not something intuitive or <br />discovered in casual reading because the impact is not identifying a potential current <br />or future impact to the standards or a violation of air quality standards; thus, they are <br />not necessarily experiencing bad air as a result of this impact. She indicated that <br />staff looked at the potential carbon monoxide concentrations and does not believe <br />that the City will exceed standards there, that emissions related to construction <br />activities are not significant, and that there are no increases in other criteria <br />pollutants or other toxic air contaminants that are a violation of standards. She <br />noted that the impact is related to the fact that there is lack of consistency in the <br />assumptions used. She stated that the 2005 strategy used Projections 2003 <br />numbers for jobs and housing for 2025. She noted that Projections 2003 shows that <br />the City's buildout will be 80,000 persons in the City, but the City's buildout <br />calculations because of the cap are about 78,000. She noted that the difference is <br />fewer housing and fewer people but more jobs than that assumed in <br />Projections 2003. She indicated that the cure for this is to put more housing and <br />fewer jobs in. <br />Commissioner Fox referred to the placeholders for East Pleasanton and inquired if <br />staff assumed that jobs would be generated by these "placeholder: uses, and how <br />many jobs staff included. Ms. Stern replied that staff looked at floor area ratios <br />allowed potentially under the General Plan designation for that area and assumed a <br />certain square footage for different combinations of commercial retail, industrial, <br />R&D Office. She indicated that she did not have the precise number of jobs but that <br />it would be about 15,000, considering the difference between "with" and "without" <br />development in East Pleasanton. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that the area is currently used for sand and gravel <br />harvesting and that there are not many employees in those areas. Ms. Stern agreed <br />and added that there will be more jobs once any kind of office, retail jobs, or other <br />uses are introduced. <br />Ms. Stern noted that having identified those significant impacts; the City would need <br />to adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations prior to certifying the Final EIR <br />and adopting the General Plan. <br />Commissioner Fox stated that the EIR made mention of the Tri-Valley <br />Transportation Commission (TVTC). She asked Mr. Tassano what the proposed <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 15, 2008 Page 6 of 15 <br />