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Reznick shared well without any issues. He believed the same should be done in this <br />case. <br />Mr. Schlies noted that he had not communicated directly with Mr. Brozosky about his <br />concerns about one of his lots having a deep well easement through it. He noted that <br />several years ago, they needed to service the electrical to the well, and the electrical <br />easement and line went through Mr. Brozosky's vineyard; they would have to backhoe <br />through the vineyard to service it. They were able to come to an accommodation by <br />relocating the easement, and he hoped they would be able to have similar cooperation <br />with respect to the easement. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that since the home sizes were already approved, he <br />believed that was the easiest way to go, rather than complicating the situation with <br />various FAR ratios. The Commissioners agreed with that statement. <br />Commissioner Fox preferred to keep the original FARs and not increase them to <br />35 percent as was suggested. She noted that she would only support the major <br />modification if the developer was amenable to the condition of vacating the easement and <br />the water rights upon the connection to City water. <br />Commissioner Narum expressed concern about Lots 6-10 of the existing approved size, <br />particularly that the FAR ranged from 32.7 percent to 38.95 percent. She would rather <br />see a FAR of 35 percent because it was a measure of the mass. <br />Ms. Decker wished to clarify that the FAR according to the design guidelines was closer <br />to 32 percent when the garage square footage was excluded. <br />Commissioner Narum would prefer to see a standard FAR for Lots 6-10 but noted that <br />the existing FARs on Lots 1-5 were acceptable. <br />Acting Chair Pearce agreed with Commissioners Olson and O'Connor that if the <br />applicant wished to retain the Centex home sizes, she would be amenable to that. The <br />language would be altered to reflect the approved Centex sizes. <br />Commissioner Fox agreed with that assessment. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that the grading was acceptable to her, including the <br />language of having no sports courts. She supported the landscaping for Lots 1-5. She <br />had some trouble with the retaining wall and had some concerns about where the water <br />would come from; she was inclined to leave it as is. <br />Commissioner O'Connor believed the existing visual analysis for the project would be <br />sufficient if the same square footages were retained. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2008 Page 8 of 26 <br />