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Commissioner Fox: <br />• Put back the phrase "aggravation of chronic disease and heart/lung disease <br />symptoms" and include "increased respiratory symptoms (coughing, wheezing), <br />increased hospital admissions for asthma, decreases in lung function, etc."] <br />Pam <br />No changes. <br />Pam <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that the Policy section mentions fireplaces and inquired if <br />there is any mention of it in the introduction. Ms. Stern replied that it is mentioned in <br />suspended particulates, but it can be mentioned again here. <br />• Call out fireplaces more specifically. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if BAAQMD would have done anything in response to <br />Mr. Gwin's complaint if Pleasanton had a Code section on nuisances. Ms. Stern replied <br />that BAAQMD would have referred the matter back to Pleasanton. Ms. Harryman <br />explained that if Pleasanton had an ordinance in place that prohibited backyard places or <br />burning during specific hours that a neighbor would be in violation of, the City would be <br />able to apply Code enforcement or nuisance abatement action; however, as it stands, it is <br />a private nuisance that property owners would have to deal with themselves. She added <br />that the PMC has various nuisance categories such as vicious dogs and abandoned <br />vehicles, but it has nothing specific on wood burning. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if smoke can be added to the list inasmuch as 38 percent of <br />the City's pollution is caused by outside fireplaces. <br />Ms. Stern clarified that the 38 percent refers to a large proportion of particulate matter <br />and not all pollution. Ms. Harryman further clarified that there are various categories of <br />pollutants, and particulates is one category, of which 38 percent is attributable to wood <br />smoke. <br />Chair Blank suggested that this matter be agendized under Matters Initiated <br />Commission Members at a future meeting. <br />With respect to adding smoke to the list of nuisances, Ms. Harryman noted that it would <br />be difficult to enforce and would require some parameters. She further advised that as in <br />all Code changes the Planning Commission would like staff to work on, this matter <br />would go to the Council, who will then accordingly add it to its priority list. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that this may then take a few months and added that the real <br />remedy seems to be for Mr. Gwin would be to sue his neighbor. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 20, 2008 Page 7 of 18 <br />