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Chair Blank stated that the sentence is an absolute as it does not indicate that there is <br />controversy or that the studies are in dispute. <br />Commissioner O'Connor suggested the language "Studies have indicated...." <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that what probably is in dispute is how annoying it is rather <br />than whether it is annoying. Ms. Maxwell concurred and added that it is not really clear <br />how annoying it is. She indicated that these studies have been peer-reviewed. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if this is related to the pitch of the noise in terms of <br />high-pitched orlow-pitched noise of the same decibel Ms. Maxwell replied that she was <br />not certain. <br />Chair Blank stated that the language could probably be modified to say something like <br />"Some studies show that..." or "Some people find that..." or "Older studies show <br />more...the more recent studies show less because of technological developments...." <br />Ms. Maxwell indicated that staff would cite the studies and include footnotes. <br />• Add proposed language. <br />Pale 11-10 <br />No changes. <br />Page 11-11 <br />No changes. <br />Page 11-12 <br />No changes. <br />Page 11-13 <br />No changes. <br />Pale 11-14 <br />No changes. <br />Pale 11-IS <br />Chair Blank noted that there are two homes in the Staples Ranch area which generate <br />50 percent of the complaint calls. He expressed concern that the City does not have <br />strong enough language that states that any new construction in the area must be <br />soundproofed as they are closer to the airport. He indicated that he is trying to strengthen <br />the noise mitigation especially in the vicinity of the airport. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 20, 2008 Page 15 of 18 <br />